
Disabled and Still Prepping

I am one of those people that the world calls "Physically Disabled". However, my physical limitations do not prevent me from doing things to take care of myself in an emergency situation.  Lack of physical strength will never deter me from doing everything I can to be self-sufficient.  Food Storage does not have to come in large sizes, it can be stored in smaller, easier to handle packaging. Everything about prepping can be done by ANYONE, no matter what your personal circumstances are.


It's Not Just For Emergencies

I have read with fascination the stories about prepping. I think most of us fall into the category of "it is just a way of life with us". My mom always had a large food storage. It took up many shelves in the garage instead of a car. I remember the feeling as a little girl when mom would send me out to the food storage to get something. It was a feeling of peace and security. I never had to worry if we would be hungry. I knew we wouldn't, because my parents prepared.

You Know You Married a Frugal Prepper If...

Top 10: You Know You Married a Frugal Prepper If...
10.) Your wife scours neighbor's refuse, dumpsters, and roadsides (sometimes roads) the night before garbage pick-up day.  She even gives the stink-eye to like-minded people who are out trash-picking and is known to come home from a run early to grab the car and bring some unnecessary thing home.

My 26 Inch Reason to Prep

The reason I prep is approximately 26 inches long and weighs about 13 ½ pounds.  When I walk into the room, it lights up when she smiles at me and is terribly excited to see me.  It is my job to make sure that she has love, shelter, food, clothing, and the other necessities of life.  Very few people would think that it is unreasonable for me to start a college fund for her at this age and I consider this just another form of prepping.


It All Began With a Collapsing Shelf

It all started with the collapse of a pantry shelf and we realized that some of our cans were not of this century.

Food rotation that's the answer, I think I saw something at the bulk food warehouse, "must research on the web." This led to the discovery of freeze dried food, lightweight and long-life--a great tool for emergencies. I got the idea of having a few days supplies in a pack for emergencies; "must research MREs on the web."

Mama Bear of 8

Nobody wants to be afraid. Most people wear blinders to threats of natural disaster and civil strife. Pretending everything will be fine and nothing can or will happen to them. You either will live in fear and do what the "Joneses" do or you will PREP. I have FINALLY chosen to prep.

Tom's 3 Prepping Rules

Preparing for difficult times or unforeseen catastrophes doesn't have to be a chore. By simply adjusting how you normally shop, you can start increasing your independence. As you become more sure of yourself, you will find that you actually have more available cash that in turn can be used to improve your situation even more.

Prepping isn't a fad - it's a lifestyle. Planning ahead so that you will be living, not just surviving.


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