Photo: James Davies

Photo: James Davies

With the market being the way it is, many are asking what is the safest investment nowadays.  I’ll tell you.  FOOD.  FOOD is the BEST investment today.

Why?  Because if used properly, it’s life saving.  A meal today will always be worth a meal tomorrow.  Food is the best investment because Wall Street can never alter its impact on our appetites.  The rate of foreclosures can never diminish its taste.  The great thing about food is that competition reigns supreme among the grocery stores in most cities throughout America.  As a result, all kinds of food—from fresh to processed, from sensible to indulgent—can be obtained at an extreme discount.  Try buying stocks and bonds at a ninety percent discount or getting paid to buy them.  That’s exactly what happens when I obtain FOOD, thus truly making food the very best investment. Try chewing on a pair of $1,000 shoes when all of your power goes out for a month due to a freak storm.  Try living off of your gold bullion for nutrition and survival.  In such circumstances all of the Coca-Cola decorations, scrapbooking supplies, stacking dolls, and baseball card collections won’t be worth a penny.  As such they will all be downgraded in their value to a nuisance and perhaps even a regret. In addition to that, allow me to indulge in being a bit prophetic.  Mark my words.  There are too many indicators coming from all different directions that the value of food is better than anything else you know right now.  I assure you, a bucket of wheat will surpass the value of a bucket of gold!  You don’t need to look very far (geographically or in time) to see that this is all indeed possible.  Food is truly your best investment.  While many may come up with never-ending excuses to abandon this wisdom—in exchange for an aesthetically pleasing environment, or the inconvenience of rotating the food, or having to gain more knowledge so that can be smart in the use of their supplies—these boil down to very short-sighted excuses.  Think about it.  How many of us have endured difficult education experiences and high tuition rates just so that we could provide a good life for ourselves and our families?  And yet we refuse to acknowledge the need to continue to educate ourselves with this relatively simple practice of storing foods.  I know many parents who firmly believe they would die to save their children’s lives.  Yes, but will you LIVE in such a way now so that you can save them? Food is your BEST investment.  Water is also virtually free, so there’s no excuse not to obtain that in a hearty supply.  And just in case you were wondering, ammo is next on the list. Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter here To see our upcoming event schedule, click here Check out our inhome-course programs Subscribe to Preparedness Pro today and never miss a thing! For any questions or comments on this article, please leave a comment on the blog site so that everyone can benefit! Copyright Protected 2009, Preparedness Pro and Kellene. All Rights Reserved. No portion of any content on this site may be duplicated, transferred, copied, or published without written permission from the author. However, you are welcome to provide a link to the content on your site or in your written works.


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Robert Andersen · May 21, 2009 at 9:51 pm

That’s nice and wishful thinking, But food won’t pay the bills. It doesn’t matter how much wheat you have stockpiled in your basement or how much you proclaim the sky to be falling. If you can’t pay your bills with cold hard cash then your up the creek. But you just let me know the day the bank takes buckets of wheat as payment.

Robert Andersen · May 21, 2009 at 9:51 pm

That’s nice and wishful thinking, But food won’t pay the bills. It doesn’t matter how much wheat you have stockpiled in your basement or how much you proclaim the sky to be falling. If you can’t pay your bills with cold hard cash then your up the creek. But you just let me know the day the bank takes buckets of wheat as payment.

Kris · May 22, 2009 at 1:00 am

So does this mean I can’t count on our beanie baby collection? Bummer. I think one day we could wake up and our currency could be dramatically changed with the one world currency I’m expecting. If that happens, I expect my stockpile of toothbrushes to be worth more than my 401k.

Kris · May 22, 2009 at 1:00 am

So does this mean I can’t count on our beanie baby collection? Bummer. I think one day we could wake up and our currency could be dramatically changed with the one world currency I’m expecting. If that happens, I expect my stockpile of toothbrushes to be worth more than my 401k.

Marie · May 22, 2009 at 5:25 am

I was wondering about the people just starting out–what if you gave food storage as a wedding present? I’m thinking that it might not be that appreciated immediately, but when it was needed, it would sure come in handy. I don’t think food storage is the first thing that people think of when they are trying to furnish a house, etc., but they’ll need to eat no matter what color the decor is….good post.

Marie · May 22, 2009 at 5:25 am

I was wondering about the people just starting out–what if you gave food storage as a wedding present? I’m thinking that it might not be that appreciated immediately, but when it was needed, it would sure come in handy. I don’t think food storage is the first thing that people think of when they are trying to furnish a house, etc., but they’ll need to eat no matter what color the decor is….good post.

Milehimama · May 22, 2009 at 3:50 pm

But food won’t pay the bills

Sadly, your 401(k) probably won’t pay the bills right now, either.

By stocking up on food, you are buying food cheaply now, and if you’re in a pinch later, you won’t have to spend $ on food, but can spend the $ you do have on bills.

We are investing in a stockpile of food. It is invaluable for times when income may not be coming in for a variety of reasons (new job, illness, etc.) My husband is in construction. No work = no pay. I am a freelance writer. No work = no pay. (And my pay is often 30-60 days out.)

We can negotiate with our landlord to pay a week late – but you can’t negotiate with the grocery store.

It’s basically playing the futures market, without the risk, because you’ll never be left with a worthless piece of paper.

If you can secure the basics, as best as you are able, you will have unbelievable security in time of crisis. Food, water, shelter.

Also – in the event of the unthinkable catastrophe, what is going to be more valuable as a barter? Pinto beans or your AmEx?

Milehimama · May 22, 2009 at 3:50 pm

But food won’t pay the bills

Sadly, your 401(k) probably won’t pay the bills right now, either.

By stocking up on food, you are buying food cheaply now, and if you’re in a pinch later, you won’t have to spend $ on food, but can spend the $ you do have on bills.

We are investing in a stockpile of food. It is invaluable for times when income may not be coming in for a variety of reasons (new job, illness, etc.) My husband is in construction. No work = no pay. I am a freelance writer. No work = no pay. (And my pay is often 30-60 days out.)

We can negotiate with our landlord to pay a week late – but you can’t negotiate with the grocery store.

It’s basically playing the futures market, without the risk, because you’ll never be left with a worthless piece of paper.

If you can secure the basics, as best as you are able, you will have unbelievable security in time of crisis. Food, water, shelter.

Also – in the event of the unthinkable catastrophe, what is going to be more valuable as a barter? Pinto beans or your AmEx?

gourmetmomma · May 22, 2009 at 4:01 pm

having used food as barter before, it technically can pay your bills. it at least bought me some time on a generator during a power failure (ike).

in periods of rapid inflation, food is one of the few items that holds it’s value at a constant. by very definition, cash doesn’t.

if you are able to get your food at 90% off, then you can spend 10cents today for something that is valued at $1 in today’s currency… and might well sell for $2 (or more) in inflationary times. how can you not see that as an incredibly good investment in your future?

gourmetmomma · May 22, 2009 at 4:01 pm

having used food as barter before, it technically can pay your bills. it at least bought me some time on a generator during a power failure (ike).

in periods of rapid inflation, food is one of the few items that holds it’s value at a constant. by very definition, cash doesn’t.

if you are able to get your food at 90% off, then you can spend 10cents today for something that is valued at $1 in today’s currency… and might well sell for $2 (or more) in inflationary times. how can you not see that as an incredibly good investment in your future?

alexis · May 22, 2009 at 6:11 pm

This is a topic that is easy to preach and fail to practice on. But with the advantage of selling it at a premium in the future opens up new possibilities for financial stability in a severe economic turmoil. I never really looked at it that way before. I think I need to get a lot more food storage. Thanks a ton. 😀

alexis · May 22, 2009 at 6:11 pm

This is a topic that is easy to preach and fail to practice on. But with the advantage of selling it at a premium in the future opens up new possibilities for financial stability in a severe economic turmoil. I never really looked at it that way before. I think I need to get a lot more food storage. Thanks a ton. 😀

Shreela · May 25, 2009 at 2:44 pm

With the market being the way it is, many are asking what is the safest investment nowadays. I’ll tell you. Shelf-stable FOOD. Shelf-stable FOOD is the BEST investment today.

We had thunderstorms yesterday, and lost power three times — the longest was 15 minutes. But the storm did blow over, and last night the skies were clear, and our transformer went out for no known reason. It was only our transformer; the rest of the neighborhood’s lights were fine.

The power company operator told me they hoped to have it restored by this morning, which would have been many hours. I had 10 lbs of chicken, and a 6 lb roast in the fridge, plus many frozen dinners; since I didn’t have my fridge packed, I would have lost that food had I not gone out to buy ice.

They had the power restored much sooner than stated, I guess because our transformer was the only one on our grid to go out. Had it taken as long as the time when lightning exploded the transformer (not during Ike, but just a regular thunderstorm), I would have had to continue buying ice daily, or cook everything, or lost the perishables.

That’s why I buy more shelf-stable during the summer, when our power is not reliable.

Shreela · May 25, 2009 at 2:44 pm

With the market being the way it is, many are asking what is the safest investment nowadays. I’ll tell you. Shelf-stable FOOD. Shelf-stable FOOD is the BEST investment today.

We had thunderstorms yesterday, and lost power three times — the longest was 15 minutes. But the storm did blow over, and last night the skies were clear, and our transformer went out for no known reason. It was only our transformer; the rest of the neighborhood’s lights were fine.

The power company operator told me they hoped to have it restored by this morning, which would have been many hours. I had 10 lbs of chicken, and a 6 lb roast in the fridge, plus many frozen dinners; since I didn’t have my fridge packed, I would have lost that food had I not gone out to buy ice.

They had the power restored much sooner than stated, I guess because our transformer was the only one on our grid to go out. Had it taken as long as the time when lightning exploded the transformer (not during Ike, but just a regular thunderstorm), I would have had to continue buying ice daily, or cook everything, or lost the perishables.

That’s why I buy more shelf-stable during the summer, when our power is not reliable.

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