Rotating Can Shelves photo c/o The Sassy Saver

Rotating Can Shelves photo c/o The Sassy Saver


Last weekend I was speaking with a very excited man who is a relatively new acquaintance of mine. He claimed that he had finally broken down and bought a years supply of food for his family and even purchased those “nifty” little shelves to hold all of his cans. He was so excited, he just had to show me. So he took me to his storage room along with his pleased wife and with the flare of a Broadway emcee, displayed his years’ supply of food storage. As I stood there thinking of him and his wife and their 5 children, I was dumbfounded. I thought for sure that I was missing something. I looked around the small room to see where else he may be pointing. But nope. He had a small set of rotating can shelves full of cans of foods. The problem was, by my somewhat flawed math estimates, I could only see about 200 cans of food. It doesn’t take a math genius to figure out that one can per person PER day would only amount to about 28 days of ONE meal per day. I frankly didn’t know how to kindly break it to him. So I did what I do best. I was blunt. *grin* I told him that I was so happy that he started his food storage and asked him how it made him feel. He said it was a GREAT feeling. I asked if he felt like he could handle a little bit more of that feeling. He said, “Sure!” So I proceeded to point out that what he had wasn’t even enough to feed one adult for a month, let alone his family for a year. Feeling a bit dejected he moved our conversation out of the basement and into the family room that was attached to the kitchen. From there I could see remaining cans of tomatoes, corn, and beans they had used to create an aromatic taco soup.

Taco Soup photo c/o His Daughter

Taco Soup photo c/o His Daughter


I asked him, “How many people did you feed with this batch of soup tonight?” He said, “All of us, but we all had seconds.” “Why did you all have seconds?” “Because we were hungry and it tasted good. I asked him how many cans he used to create dinner. “Nine, plus some spices and a pound of ground beef.” “Do you feel overly stuffed from your meal?” “No.” “Do you feel content from your meal?” “Yes.” “Don’t you think that in a time in which you’re stressed with a chaotic environment that feeling content will be important to your family?” “(Sigh) Yes.” (You would have thought that I’d taken away Winnie-the-Pooh’s honey pot.) During this conversation, some of the kids volunteered that after dinner they’d gotten into some snacks because they “still wanted some more to eat.” The wife sheepishly admitted that she had to have some Dove chocolate to “take the edge off of the day.” (I had to empathize with her on that one, for sure!) Ok, so the point? I have been shown a person’s food storage on many occasions. The majority of those who believe they have enough food do not even have 3 months’ supply, let alone a year. First of all, understand that food is a lot like cash in your wallet. It sure does seem to go quickly. Secondly, don’t underestimate the amount of food your family will need to feel healthy, calm, and content. Food indeed will be a way to “ground” your family in some sort of normalcy when all heck breaks loose. As you accumulate and organize your meals, keep in mind generous servings, not minimal. Be realistic. I once had a gal tell me that she could feed her whole family on one box of mac-n-cheese. When I asked if she had ever put such a theory to the test, she replied no, that usually each teenager wants their own box.

Beef Stroganoff photo c/o Creating Post-it Notes

Beef Stroganoff photo c/o Creating Post-it Notes


When I take an accounting of our food storage, I have a lot of my records by the serving, not the pound or ounce. Also, I store the recipes and ingredients for entire meals in 4-gallon square buckets. (These are invaluable in my home as they stack higher, take up less room, etc.) For example, let’s say I’m planning on serving Beef Stroganoff. Inside a 4 or 5.3-gallon square bucket I have the cans of cream of mushroom soup, cans of beef chunks, bags of pasta, seasonings, cans of veggies for the side dishes, and a bottle of applesauce to finish the meal off. That way when someone asks me “what’s for dinner?” (tonight or in the future) I can simply go and look at the rows of buckets and pick a meal knowing that I already have everything I need for it right in there, along with the recipe. This makes life a lot less stressful NOW and in the event of a future food shortage scenario. I’m telling you, there’s a great deal of peace when you can look and see these meals neatly stacked and labeled in your food storage. Each bucket represents at least one meal based on how I have the bucket labeled. Sometimes I can fit a couple of meals in each bucket depending on the number of ingredients. So the moral of this story is to take an actual accounting of the numbers of servings you have in your food storage, use what you store regularly, and try to store your food in clusters of meals that you know your family already loves. Be sure to be generous in your estimation of serving sizes and account for the entire meal as opposed to just a single dish. 4-gallon-bucket(By the way, a great place to find 5.3 gallon or 4-gallon buckets that I get here: Square buckets take up less space than the round ones. They also enable me to stack them much higher securely than the others. Since they are only 4  or 5.3  gallons, they don’t present as much of a physical challenge to me. I get the 5.3 gallon square buckets here: For any questions or comments on this article, please leave a comment on the blog site so that everyone can benefit! Copyright Protected 2009, Preparedness Pro and Kellene. All Rights Reserved. No portion of any content on this site may be duplicated, transferred, copied, or published without written permission from the author. However, you are welcome to provide a link to the content on your site or in your written works.

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Karen · October 15, 2009 at 3:44 pm

Great tips! Smart thinking. I think in ‘servings’ not pounds or ounces too but I hadn’t thought about putting all the ingredients for a meal together in one bucket.

Angel Beck · October 15, 2009 at 5:06 pm

I LOVE this idea of grouping meals into buckets. This would be especially helpful when I need ot be gone from home and others would be caring for my kids. THANKS!

Believer · October 15, 2009 at 8:45 pm

This is the way I plan as well, as far as meals. But I have other catagories as well, such as: baking, pandemic, snacks, powdered milk, etc. Then there are the things that I hadn’t thought of. I don’t know if I will ever be totally prepared.

Thank you so much for all of the inspiration and advice you give us. It is really helpful. Also, I need to be reminded, because I forget things.

Jackie · October 16, 2009 at 2:33 am

I like the ideal of having the meals planned…. so I sent an email to a bunch of people so we could share a recipe but did not get but 2 people to reply. It would be nice if some how we could share a recipe for doing this here….or do you have them on your site already?

Fruitfulvine2 · October 16, 2009 at 10:15 am

Excellent idea to package it by meals. I’m gonna have to look around town to see if I can find any square buckets. Most places have the round ones in abundance. The square ones would make for better stacking.

Such valuable information. Thank you so much.

Jackie · October 16, 2009 at 3:04 pm

I have a friend that did this and put things in a 2 gallon size ziplock bag and then put 31 of them in a box. I would think a 4 gallon bucket would hold a lot more than one meal…..Are you putting more than one meal in them Kellene?

Kellene · October 16, 2009 at 3:35 pm

It depends on the number of ingredients necessary for each meal.

Kellene · October 16, 2009 at 3:50 pm

Keeping all of my supplies in the buckets really helps. I’m writing an article JUST about that as we speak.

Kellene · October 16, 2009 at 3:51 pm

Don’t worry Jackie. There are an abundance of them coming from me in the near future. But for now just do a search in Preparedness Pro for “recipe” and you’ll have several come up. I frequently include them in my articles.

Jackie · October 16, 2009 at 5:20 pm

Kellene…Where is the best place to get a solar oven?

Kellene · October 16, 2009 at 5:33 pm

Five Star Preparedness 801-734-9596 (As Kris says, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. They don’t even have a site up yet, but I found out they are taking the solar oven orders already for cheaper than I can find them elsewhere!)

Leslie · October 16, 2009 at 6:44 pm

Look into getting used square buckets from a local fruit grower. I got them for 50 cents each, including the lid. I paid our children 15 cents a bucket to wash them! Great deal!

"We call her Momma" · October 16, 2009 at 8:01 pm

That’s a great deal. Are you in Utah?

jamie · October 17, 2009 at 7:53 am

The old saying ” You never know what you got till it’s gone.” Spring to mind, I know I have a years worth because I thought I would be living off it for at least the winter. Well I have not bought anything for the last 2 months except for a couple of treats under $25.00 for 2 months, and still have plenty of food left for the year.
I still find a few “junk food” cravings coning up, and convenience foods are still biting me. Not that I buy many convenience foods, I just like have them handy. Mostly because some days I just can’t do real cooking because of disability. So I have to make my own convenience foods.
Gosh, the price of bread is insane after you have been baking your own for a while. I can bake 4 loaves of bread for the price of 1 loaf of the cheapest store brand, not counting power.
I know I crunched the numbers several times for min. food for 1 person for 1 year. I don’t think my mix will be the same as others because of my tastes, and learning new cuisines of Asia and Mexico/SA.
But I have prepped in so many ways besides food. Still on the low side for milk, but way over on sugar.

Suzanne · October 19, 2009 at 3:38 pm

When you say you put all the ingredients of meals in a bucket, does this include canning jars of meat or a list of where you keep the meat and what shelf the #10 can of dried veggies are?

Kellene · October 19, 2009 at 3:43 pm

Yes, this includes ALL of the ingredients.

Joe Smitty · August 4, 2011 at 3:41 pm

Do you have any photos of how you pack your “meals”?

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