I moved to Utah about 8 years ago. I didn’t know anything about being a prepper, had never even heard anything about it, to be totally honest. I heard from a few newly made LDS friends about how they always had a few months supply of food, water, and first aid always on hand and ready to go at a moments notice. I thought they were nuts.

Then, I watched on the news with everyone as Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana. I saw the devastation there and people fighting for survival. Running down to the grocery store was no longer an option. These people were fighting each other, just to survive!! And I thought “Am I going to let that happen to me and my family?”

I had just watched my first daughter be brought into this world and I wanted nothing more than to be the ultimate father to her and protect her in every way I could. And then my other daughter was born, and a plan was put into place, to make us self sufficient–to never again be caught unaware if such a situation ever happened.

I got motivated. Our basement, although tiny in comparison to most, has been turned into a storage heaven. I built, sweated, cut, cussed, and turned it into our lifeline in a time of need. And we still have so much to go. I didn’t know where to start, and what to do, but it was going to happen.

And then, a friend introduced me to Facebook. Harassed me into it is more of the truth, because at the time, electronics, such as computers and I, were not on the best of terms. And then I met Kellene and her site, Preparedness Pro. What a lifesaver this woman has been. Without her, I’d still be lost, floundering in a world of self reliance that can be overwhelming. She pointed us in the right direction. Showed us where we’d been buying wrong, or taking too much overboard. The stuff we needed to focus on, that we hadn’t been.

We now garden like crazy, store and do what we can. We are making ready for that inevitable day. We are on a limited budget, but we do what we can, make what we can’t afford, and I have doubts that we’ll ever have all we need. But we’re working hard. And I thank Kellene for showing us the way to do it, and for being such an excellent and patient teacher. Her guidance is and invaluable tool, and anyone who doesn’t use it, is being foolish.

S. M. UT


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Derek M. · April 3, 2012 at 9:47 pm

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