What's In Your Suitcase?

My grandma Bella, my sweet hunchbacked European Jewish war survivor.

Grandma had a brand on her arm and a small old brown suitcase in her closet that contained her cherished possessions, the only three pictures of her family that remained, a blanket, some money and a sterling silver candlestick; "just in case", until the day she died.  

Was she a prepper?  No, she was a survivor and she had the scars to prove it.

If I asked her about prepping, I could see her smiling a weak little smile and saying "what will happen will happen, you can't prepare, enjoy this time now".  So, I do. I enjoy living a green lifestyle, gold mining, canning food, fishing, hiking and camping, target shooting, candle making, and many other classes that enrich my life.  Making friends, building happy times and memories, and prepping with a years worth of food and water are my way of filling a "suitcase, just in case".  What have you got in your suitcase?

K & C

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very sweet.... I like this..

This is short, but lovely. It spoke to me. Your Grandma Bella was right in that we need to live for today- but we also shuld prepare for tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your Grandma with us!

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