The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear. – Herbert Agar

truthI know that the three financial preparedness articles I wrote last week weren’t exactly uplifting or exciting. That’s probably the reason why so few of you responded to them. 🙂 I also am aware that the “Lights Out, Now What” class I taught on Saturday was a bit challenging to hear. Sitting through 90 minutes of what would cause a prolonged electrical outage and who the most vulnerable victims would be could be a bit disheartening. (Although, of course I also covered what you can do now to be prepared for it.) Frankly though, if you look at that which may cause one to rely on their preparedness efforts, it’s typically not happy news. But what IS good news is having an ill-timed event come into your life and knowing that you are prepared sufficiently to handle it well. That’s called preparedness. Perhaps peace is essentially useless if there is no comparison of chaos to measure it against. Stocking up on drinking water may seem crazy when you can simply turn on a tap and get what you need. But that drinkable water turns into proverbial gold when there’s no water to swim in, right?

Read Truth Here

As some of my readers know, when I post a story regarding the food and crop shortages that America is presently experiencing, I do tend to attract some naysayers. Yet recently it was announced all over the mainstream media that pumpkins are in shortage this year due to the soggy crops preventing their harvest.

Additionally, this story (Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government) made the front page of the New York Times. In my opinion it reinforces the warning that there is indeed a financial collapse coming. This amount of monies which are due from the federal government on our national debts could easily be the first of many debilitating waves.

truthTruth: We need more water storage

Also, this story (Toxic Waters) was also posted prominently in the New York Times today. To me it reinforces the need that we all have to store sufficient water for our families that is NOT exposed to exterior pollutants. The water crisis need not come from an act of war, an earthquake, or something by which a Hollywood blockbuster is made. It could result from a simple engineering error.

My point with today’s article is that those who are willing to pay attention and hear the truth will be those who are prepared. You don’t need to pollute your day with the hype of “fear mongers” as there is plenty of truth readily available to put us into action as it is. But yes, to be prepared, you must be willing to hear the truth. May you hear it loud and clear and act accordingly.


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Marie · November 23, 2009 at 9:00 pm

I may not always comment, but you give me a lot to think about. I think one of the hardest things to gauge is if you are fortunate enough to be able to choose, how much of your money should you put into tangible assets, and how much should you keep in reserve, because currency is still what is required to pay the bills. If, (according to my understanding, as happened in pre-WWII Germany) the currency in this country were changed, how would that affect contracts, such as mortgages already in place? What about the dollar simply losing value, and more money being required to make simple purchases (similar to what happened in Zimbabwe)–if it costs $100,000 to buy a box of cereal, would that same amount pay off $100,000 of a house mortgage agreed to years before?
In any case, facing what could happen is better done before you’re in the midst of it. I’ll have to check out the links you’ve included here–thanks for the info.

Chicken Little · November 23, 2009 at 10:36 pm

I have never commented on anything I’ve read on the entire Internet before, but I must do so now. I have just discovered your blogs and I have a lot of catching up to do. I am so relieved to find another woman who has the same fears and goals as i do in the preparedness area. My hubby, grown children and extended family all think a few days food storage is a good thing but they think I’ve lost my marbles. They have nicknamed me Chicken Little. At first it wasn’t pleasant, but now I have come to realize how it looks to them and I will continue forwarding every good idea or technical info I get to them – hoping they will “get it” before it’s too late. I really understood when you said you sometimes lose sleep over worrying about how others will survive when the “hard times” come because they are not prepared. I am so grateful to you for spending the time to research and learn and pass things along to others. You have cut down on so many people’s “learning mistakes” by being so unselfish. Some of the things are very hard to hear, but trust me when I say that you are reaching a lot of people and setting off the preparedness alarms in their heads.

    Kellene · November 24, 2009 at 3:05 am

    Chicken Little, just keep remembering how the story ends. You should be honored to called as such. Chicken Little wasn’t wrong, just ahead of his/her time. Just like Newton, Einstein, John the Baptist, DaVinci, and so many others…:-)
    I truly am grateful that you find our site useful! Truly!

Michelle Woodruff · November 23, 2009 at 10:38 pm

As a wife who believes in preparedness in spite of a husband who thinks it’s all a bunch of paranoid hooey, I can understand the reaction of those who prefer not to think about what may come. It simply makes them uncomfortable to think negative thoughts. And I promise not to gloat when they start to view me as a genius for thinking ahead and making preparations.

    Michelle · December 3, 2009 at 4:07 am

    Excellent comment. I personally wont’ make any promises about not gloating, not too much anyway.

Linda Harper · November 24, 2009 at 12:02 am

I appreciate your blog a lot, the bad news along with the good news. I believe you are right on with your news and advice. We have trying to be prepared for many, many years and have been able to get out of debt, including our home and one acre of land we have. The past few years we have decided to double the garden area and are building a greenhouse and planting more and more fruit trees. We’ve canned for many years including fruits, veggies, meats. (BTW, now is a great time to can cheap turkey and it’s great as I did 12 pints today.)

We are still looking to see how we can be better prepared. In spite of all of this, there is still room to prepare and be ready to face the future with peace no matter what the future brings. A question keep asking ourselves almost daily is, how can we be better prepared. Your blog has helped us answer that a lot! Thanks for all you do to help our family prepare.

jamie · November 24, 2009 at 12:18 am

Some folks in Germany did just what you wrote. It all depends on how the Government chooses to deal with the situation. FDR outlawed private ownership of gold. Both Nixon and Carter turned to price fixing. IOU’s in California plus all kinds of economic intervention. Some countries just say all old currency is worthless and start printing a new currency.
1. Make yourself as self-sufficient as possible.
Food, water, shelter. Invest in ways to keep growing and maintaining those items.
2. Metals: Silver seems to avoid a lot of the problems of gold. It’s used as a industrial metal as well. I would recommend it instead of gold.
3. Banking Diversify
Use banks as well as credit unions. Over 100 banks have failed over the last 18 months. Credit Unions are under different codes than banks but have many of the same protections.
4.Be as debt-free as possible. Interest rates will be going up, they are artificially low right now.
5.Do your homework
Use the internet and study other countries that have gone through bad economic times. Check all types of web-sites liberal, centrist, and conservative. I consider myself an ultra conservative but I learn a lot at Liberal treehugger sites because they are into sustainability. Be open minded to knowledge, you have to double-check everything on the internet. Learn how to do research your life may depend upon it.
6. Be optimistic/positive
You can handle anything that is thrown at you because you are prepared. I had a few little “emergencies” thrown my way. They all cost money, but I had food, and all those things you have to buy every month to stay alive and healthy. Thank goodness for my prep. I didn’t have to go buy food and all those items because I already had them. Everything worked out great. I had to put off a couple of prepping things I wanted but they were wants not needs.

I thought that Kellene’s top 10 list was a bit naive or not very practical. I thought her mental, physical and spiritual aspects should have been at the bottom of the list instead of the top. I was wrong, those items give you the flexibility to adjust and accept what happens and what you are going to do about anything that comes your way. (adapt and overcome)
Prepping is a win/win situation. If nothing goes wrong, we don’t have to buy food for a year. We learn new skills, we get to spend our money on other stuff. We can give to charities and other folks. We get to try new recipes, become more independent. We have a camping and tailgate party set up that will be the envy of everyone.

If it was easy, we wouldn’t find the satisfaction in what we are doing.

Kristine · November 24, 2009 at 12:24 am


I have never felt that your articles are “downers”, in fact I get excited to learn more, become better prepared and getting out of debt. My family & I are doing these things and you are right about the PEACE it brings. Yes, we live in exciting times and hiding our heads in the sand is one way to deal with things, but I like to know what’s going on, do my best to prepare and know that we are in God’s loving hands.

Thank you for your timely messages. Yes, even the financial preparedness articles. We read and discussed them as a couple and shared them with our grown children.

Many Blessings,

Kellene · November 24, 2009 at 12:27 am

Jamie, the only advice I would alter in your suggestions is to use credit unions instead of banks. The Federal Reserve has much more influence in the banks than they do the credit unions–although they still have plenty.

    jamie · November 24, 2009 at 6:54 am

    I prefer CU as well. I just wanted folks to diversify. Spread the risk, but many folks use banks. I want them to have a reason to go to a CU not just cause we said so. But I have 2 CU and a bank I deposit checks at, so spread your risk.

    jamie · November 26, 2009 at 5:20 am

    I use USAA as my bank they operate more like a credit union. I usually get a payback from this bank at the end of the fiscal year. 2 different credit unions as well. If you diversify in your investments do the same with your banking.
    112 bank failures, 552 banks in trouble, FDIC in the red already. (
    If you are former/current military check out You may save some money.

Jackie · November 24, 2009 at 12:32 am

My husband seems to be coming around (somewhat) to my food storage system. We are well on our way to paying off all debt. My friends think I am turning into a crazy unabomber type but I don’t care because I can see what is ahead and I have to do what is best for my family. Glenn Beck even mentioned on his show today that people need to start buying extra food. “One can of soup is on sale…buy 2.” Thank you Kellene, I have learned so much from your website and have been empowered!

    Kellene · November 24, 2009 at 3:08 am

    There has never been a better or more important time to invest in food. So keep it up! I don’t know about you, but I’m leveraging that fact and paying 1970’s pricing for my food investments today thanks to coupons.

Robin Sauls · November 24, 2009 at 1:22 am

One thing to consider is Cool/Cold storage. I have a cement building with a dirt floor-I am going to create a Root type Storage. I have to learn more about how to store, and house raw foods, as well as canned on shelves. I would consider learning how to make fire, with a Bow, and Rock. I would also consider learning to eat less meat, and letting go of the idea of Bullets, and consider Bow Hunting/Protection instead! I couldn’t consider killing myself. In the Army we learned to set up water catches with a plastic container at the bottom. I like being Educated-so…please keep sharing!

    Kellene · November 24, 2009 at 3:09 am

    Way to go! Of course you’ve made folks who dont’ have the luxury of basements jealous now, but so be it. 🙂
    By the way, I’m a strong advocate of having multiple ways to defend oneself, however, I would NEVER recommend not buying bullets. Even if one is anti-gun, having bullets on hand in my opinion is more valuable in terms of preparedness than having gold and silver coins.

ToughTimes · November 24, 2009 at 2:59 am

Today, Glenn Beck was shooting comments on prepping. He has in the past, but today he was driving it home. So Kellene, when he gets ready to have a guest to talk on his show, would you be willing to go?? Of all the site hosts I visit, you would represent the effort most clearly and you are the most capable!

    Kellene · November 24, 2009 at 3:11 am

    ToughTimes, thanks so much for your compliment! Wow…
    As an answer to your hypothetical question, OF COURSE I would. Anything that will help me to teach as many folks as possible what I do know. If it will help others in the area of preparedness, them I’m all for it!

Cat · November 24, 2009 at 5:33 am

I watch Agday every morning to see what the farmers of America are experiencing and you are right-on about the shortages we will be having. The crops were very late being put in due to bad weather this spring. Then an unusually cool summer, bad rains during harvest time and early frosts in mid-America caused wheat, corn, soybeans and rotting cotton in the South to be late getting processed and dried. It is said that even the crops that were salvagable will be poor quality. Get your storage put away now while you can.

Jeanne · November 24, 2009 at 5:52 am

I agree with some of the other comments – I don’t find your articles to be “downers” at all. I’ve learned a lot from your site, and THANK YOU for it! Some of my family (like my teenage daughter!) think I’m a bit wacky for making an effort to be more prepared, but it only makes sense. Last winter, much of Portland (Oregon) shut down due to a winter storm, and I had to deal with the power being out and using alternate heat/light for many hours. Knowing I can handle something like that gives me confidence in prepping for more serious emergencies, and making sure if I’m not at home, I have the tools to get home safely. Thanks again, from one of your newer loyal readers!

Eunice Robertson · November 24, 2009 at 5:57 am

Things are slightly different here in south Africa. We don’t, especially, have the range of canned and dried storage products that you do in the USA. On my last trip to our temple in Johannesburg I saw a couple of shelves with canned dried veggies at the distribution centre – that was all, so we rely on the usual canned foods on our supermarket shelves.I do enjoy your blog so much and have learnt a lot, but have to continually adjust and adapt what you advise us to do to our circumstances. That is what survival is all about, isn’t it? So, yes, thank you, for all your help

judi · November 24, 2009 at 6:24 am

Kellene, I love the good the bad and the ugly….how do you learn if you don’t
incorporate all of the above? We have to educate ourselves and your site is absolutely the best I have found. I pray for your continued guidance in all things as you help us to be better prepared….

Andrea · November 24, 2009 at 7:07 am


your comments and articles are priceless to your readers – many of us do not reply – my pc may be too old and slo – but we read and hear and act upon the information as best as we can.

keep it up

Ed Vaisvilas · November 24, 2009 at 5:29 pm

I find a lot of your entries to be very informative. I have even re-posted numerous articles in our forum (with copyright info intact), , so that our readers may benefit from your knowledge.
Going on spending sprees to stock up on a year’s worth of groceries, and buy things like silver and implements is all fine and dandy for people with the disposable income. It’s just that we, who are living hand-to-mouth have to settle for picking up one or two dry goods each weekly shopping trip. We rent, so it’s not easy to say we can plant veggies in the garden. We don’t have a cellar in which to keep all these extras.
I guess I’m trying to say I’d like to see more stuff directed at people living the survival life day to day, now.

    Kellene · November 24, 2009 at 6:42 pm

    Ed, just so you know, I too am one of those who does not have a great deal of disposable income. So I like to think that I do write catering to the entire spectrum. I NEVER go on a spending spree. I think that’s irresponsible and doesn’t help the financial preparedness aspect. However, I do use coupons a great deal. I use them because money is tight. As a result I’m able to bring home lots and lots of items that I got for free or cheap.

    I don’t have a garden either, but I do have sprouts. And any home can grow those. I just munched on some fresh ones yesterday and they were sooooo yummy!

    Bottom line, there is always a way to be better prepared if one is committed to it. No money? Fine. Spend time reading books and getting knowledge that will come in handy. Stuff is useless without smarts.

Houstonmom · November 24, 2009 at 5:33 pm

Sometimes all this is hard to absorb. I agree we may be in for a total crash. If so, my family lives inner city and will not be able to do much of what you say b/c of population density – especially regarding sanitation and home protection. I’m to the point where I do what I can and turn the rest over to God. We can’t afford a country home and a city home, both with preps. Even if we could, an emp or other tragic event might make it impossible to relocate to second spot.

Work is in the city, so here we are. I think there are lots of “us” around who can’t take these preps all the way, even though we’d love to have a better plan. We still must do what we can with what we have. Once you’ve done this, move on and enjoy each day you have.

    Kellene · November 24, 2009 at 6:43 pm

    I’ll be writing on this aspect Kris. I don’t believe for a minute that preparedness is limited to those who can afford a multiple acre ranch etc. We’ve got to be able to be prepared where we are. Have a great Thanksgiving!

      Houstonmom · November 24, 2009 at 11:39 pm

      Good. I read a lot about prepping, but much of it is for people with at least an acre or bug out location. Much of the guidance for city people is – get out if you can:)

Grandmaonthefarm · November 25, 2009 at 3:24 pm

I’ve never commented before – but want to THANK YOU! Your posts are well written, balanced (both good and bad), sane and truthful (both good and bad). Short anecdote: #2 Daughter and Son-in-Law live 7 miles from large metro. Have been listening to Ma and Pa getting ready – we have not pushed hard, just tried to answer questions as they come and continue to model an attitude that results in action. Last week she called and said – “I think we would like some information on 72 Hour bags.” I sent what you have written, encouraged them to read more and let the seed bear fruit. Thanks for providing the seed.

jamie · November 26, 2009 at 5:36 am

Well I do have a house in a city. I’m lucky I have a partial basement. I’d recommend Kellene’s post on here storage in an 800 Sq. ft. apartment. Also check out the sprouting, and indoor gardens. If you have a sunny window, or a full spectrum lamp some seeds,potting soil and some containers you would be amazed what you can grow. I like the Dollar stores or 2nd hand containers.
We all have to adapt and overcome in 1 way or the other.
Google is your friend, you can find all kind of stuff for wall gardens. I saw one made out of a canvas shoe caddy, or sweater organizer.
It’s work, you have to dig and get the info, but when you make your own sun dried tomatoes or pesto from your own herbs. It’s worth it.

jamie · November 26, 2009 at 11:03 am

I’m amazed at folks. I am debt free mostly. I live within my means. I buy my food in bulk. I’m not underwater on my mortgage. I have a years worth of food stored. I scratch make stuff, I buy only sales items for stuff I need.
Yet I am the nut.I am the one that is dumb/stupid.
The government has taken such great of folks. But we are the dumb ones. The government wants you dependent. They want votes, unemployment, yes we’ll extend it. We don’t pay out of our pocket. Stimulus package, Heck yes, of course it’s all taxpayer monies. Not a problem for congress. They don’t pay.They vote and we pay.Kill all subsidies for all products. Do a 15% flat tax for all. Rich, poor and Corporations. Kill all subsidies/pork. Institute free markets. Everyone is equal in the USA. All countries may compete, no government interference. No price fixing, no subsidies. You will be free to compete in the market place of America and no strings attach. No more buying off reps, senator or Governors.
Wouldn’t that be fun, A flat tax takes all the lobbyist out of the question. Sink or swim companies it’s going to be bare knuckle capitalism. You don’t like it leave. Compete in the market place without the government hand outs or go to another country.No hand outs, no subsides, no government welfare to companies what so ever. You Don’t like it, adapt or go to another country.

    Kellene · November 28, 2009 at 10:14 pm

    Jamie, actually I disagree with a flat tax as well. They may start out with a 10-15% tax but they will never stop there. A taxation of our wealth was NEVER what the founding fathers had in mind. Thomas Jefferson was actually adamant that we should never have our income taxed–only things, and certainly not property. –something to think about for ya.

jamie · November 30, 2009 at 12:07 am

yep an optimist, Silly me I’ve read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I do keep hoping that folks in Government will live up to their oaths. We have a lot folks in Government that take oaths, beliefs and values as a roulette wheel. I’m not sure it will do any good with the TEA parties. But folks are a bit peeved at our ruling class.
I hope for the best but expect the worse. They, the Government will pass laws and taxes on everyone until society collapses. I used to think that “IVY league”
education meant something. $160,000. to create well intentioned idiots. Well Mom and Dad I hope you got your money’s worth. If you are lucky the Congress will name a bike path after you.
I agree Kellene but I don’t think we can go back on tax policy to 1912. There should be a federal tax of 5%. To pay for National Defense. Of course if I was king or queen in my case.
1. Abolish all Federal income tax.
2. Declare all regulations dead, null and void. All “Laws” must be passed by the legislature by a 75 % majority.
3. Sound money and sound debt must be. You must have a declaration of war to go into debt for a war.
4.Repeat of the Constitution, No one may be deprived of their property,. Without compensation decided on an open sale.
5. All Laws passed by congress MUST apply to Congress.
6.All Lobbyists must be registered and posted in all Prospectus whether Unions, Lawyers,Business or private citizen PACs. Plus all the money they have given to any party, personnel, and total contributions.
7. No Registered Lobbyist may be a lobbyist for 5 years after a “Presidential election” I’ll have to work on Registered lobbyist parameters. They will not hold an “office” of any sort in the “Administration.
8.All folks that build infrastructure. Internet backbones, freeways, telephones. No free ride, no city, no state is allowed to you exclusive access. You will be going free market. You may sell or rent your backbone. Other than that folks can go where they please. Put in Toll roads, those can be the fast lanes. The US gov. paid for basic interstates. Now If you want and can make money you can do toll roads. Money paid is your money we’d like 5% just cause we made it possible. Heck we’ll even give 2.5% to states for moving it forward.
Gosh just think about the money for jobs, for infrastructure, Go get Energy, Whatever the source. It is really easy if “complex”. Look at the consequences when stuff isn’t studied.

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