by Kellene

Why I Refuse to Have Anything to do With Oprah

This is a multi-part series that will specifically address the aspect of self-employment and why it’s critical to our independence—even if only pursued on a minor level. I will also be sharing information on how to make a self-employment status more profitable and how to better manage the taxation thereof as well. For starters, I realize that the title of this article may constitute some type of a first degree offense with some people, perhaps even some of you. But the article title does at least imply that I will explain why such is the case. After reading it, perhaps you will come to the same path as I have. Oh, and lest you think I’ve been drinking too much sugar, I assure you this has EVERYTHING to do with Preparedness. The other day the talk radio news I listen to mentioned a poll that was recently taken which stated that only 1 in 3 Americans felt happy about their state of life at present. The majority of those polled stated specifically that they felt helpless about what’s going on in Washington and they were stressed about money. Surely we have plenty of blame to go around right now as to why this level of distress runs rampant in so many hearts at present, but let’s look at what is really the root of it (as manifested in voluntary vulnerabilities) and see what we can do to reclaim an independent life from these uncomfortable circumstances. Yes there exists the villainous Bernie Madoff , Enron, George Soros, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac problems out there that have fleeced the wealth of America for a long time. But I believe that while such persons need to be accountable for their actions, it’s even more critical that we accept responsibility for the appropriate level of culpability we have played in being negatively affected by these unfortunate circumstances.  After all, true independence always demands accountability. (I’ll get into more of that in just a moment.) This is where Oprah comes in. Look at her persona, the themes of her shows, the giving away of exorbitant prizes, etc.  In my view, it’s all a celebration and grandstanding of the state of victimization.  I simply do not abide by such a notion.  I believe firmly that there are no victims, only volunteers. I think a situation of victimhood is really in the eyes of the whiner and those who serve as enablers. Do we really find virtue in such a mindset? Do we really want to foster such a mentality? Like him, love him, or loathe him,  Obama made it to the White House not because of any accomplishments or experience that proved him to be a leader of the this great nation. He literally had a ZERO resume in that regard. Instead he actually had several alarming aspects to his background which went completely ignored—why? Because he catered to the willingness of the majority voters in our nation to accept and coddle the so-called victims of this nation.  Those who were willing to accept that they were victims of a “hard life and tough times” saw him as their personal piggy bank. Many persons now find themselves in over their head with a mortgage that is significantly higher than the value of their home, calling themselves victims of overzealous brokers or banks. In fact, they are not victims, but willing participants in the “getting something for nothing game.”  Many are now left paying oversized mortgage payments because their home equity was stripped by a manipulated series of events by truly evil doers.  Ideally, these homeowners will benefit from all of this in realizing that a home made of dirt, brick, and sticks is NOT an asset that appreciates in real value just by standing still, but is actually nothing more than a roof over our heads. Folks. This isn’t pretty, and it may ruffle some feathers, but the fact is, as Americans we (and those who live in other 1st world nations) haven’t even begun to know what really being a victim is.  A victim is not someone who finds themselves under the thumb of an incompetent political leader—especially when they did little or nothing to ensure an alternative outcome.  A victim is not someone who got laid off from a job because of exported employment—especially when there is a dearth of valuable, tangible manufactured goods in our nation that can be created and sold with little education requirements. A victim is not someone who finds themselves unable to pay for quality health care because the costs are too high when they have had abundant choices for better health their entire lives. A true victim is someone who literally CAN NOT even go to the community bathroom in their village without fear of being raped and battered; not able to safely harvest what little they’ve been able to plant due to genuine fear that they will be shot dead in the process; or a the person who has absolutely no say about their political state of affairs without surely being sentenced to death.  The appalling thing is that even in the areas in which true victims may dwell, women still go on living and caring for others in their lives.  Villagers still plant crops every season hoping and praying that somehow this season may be different. And many have lost their lives simply by standing firm in their beliefs about freedom. We truly do have it easy here folks. More importantly, we truly do have the ability to be independent and prepared on an everyday basis from all that we feel vulnerable to at present.  So in this particular series, I intend to walk through the path that can lead the willing there with some professional and amateur insights—creating true independence along the way. Whatever your trade or business, whatever your hobby or passion, we can convert that into a successful state of independence through self-employment that will provide for us based upon our own harvests, and not the ill-gotten gains of others. Till next time—may you have peace in your everyday preparedness.


Self-Employment Equals Independence II

Self Employment Equals Independence III

Self Employment Equals Independence IV

Self Employment Equals Independence V

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Marisa · June 1, 2010 at 11:28 pm

I agree. We’ve been self-employed for around three years now, but even though we make less than any of our friends or family who are employed, we are probably the most secure due to the fact that we stay out of debt, live very modestly, buy everything used, and follow self-sufficient principles.

jamie · June 1, 2010 at 11:49 pm

I found this on several websites mostly (right wing) of folks living in homes that are in foreclosure, and they will leave only if someone kicks them out. The average time for that is 438 days a whole year + of not getting kicked out and living cost free in a home. No rent and no house payments. I live cheap, I will admit I bought into all that consumer crap of you need more and better stuff. Well I think God saved me when I got sick. No I don’t need more and better stuff. This is good enough. I’m certainly not living in the 3rd world economy or lifestyle.
I may not be living with granite counter tops. But I think I can still swing my little fixed rate mortgage. Have 18 months of food and 4+ months of water. No I don’t think I’ll go back and believe the government. If we are in a recovery I’d hate to see the bottom.
I would recommend getting Rice now, before next year’s harvest. Sugar is toast, I don’t think the sugar beet harvest will do much but keep pace. But keep your eye on it. I have friend in Texas and it looks like good harvest so far on wheat and corn in the midwest.

Jane · June 2, 2010 at 1:45 am

I live in what you term another 1st world country.
Australia apparently managed the WEC/GEC better then other countries.
Some people don’t agree.
I always appreciate reading your posts.
The depth of thought and awake-signal they are for me have so far prompted me to action that I had been going to get around to for ever and a day.
A hand turned wheat grinder is now attached to the counter top.
Also a hand turned pasta maker.
My chosen storage untis are about to arrive, flat packed: I can save money by assembling them myself.
I have sourced canned wheat/legumes/etc
Independence is HIGH on my list. Actually it is top…
Looking forward to the next part in this series – and more.

    Preparedness Pro · January 22, 2014 at 11:15 pm

    Every time I see this comment

    Every time I see this comment it makes me smile! Way to go, Jane. I hope that you’ve seen the more recent series we did on Self-employment on this blog as well.

Julie K. · June 2, 2010 at 2:37 am

My husband and I have always been frugal and refinanced our mortgage to a 15 year fixed while others were losing their homes. How? We underbought. While others were trying to buy at the top of what the banks were willing to lend, we bought a house based on what we were willing to pay, not what they were willing to give us.
I have seriously been considering starting my own business to supplement our income and increase our savings and preparedness items. I look forward to the related posts since I know you always give sage advice.

Leah · June 2, 2010 at 3:21 am

I agree 100% with you. How do we as individuals switch mindsets from “I can do it by myself” to “Someone do it for me”? My 3 year old has a bigger self sufficiency attitude than many citizens of our country. Hip Hip Hooray for self employment! It’s hard. It’s tiring. It will make your life a living hell (at least for a while), but it’s worth it!

Nadine · June 2, 2010 at 3:48 am

Great article, Kellene. I’m looking forward to reading more in the series. My husband and I are interested in starting a family business and your insights would be most welcome.

I also wanted to affirm that we are indeed very fortunate in this country. I subscribe to the “Voice of the Martyrs” newsletter which describes in painful detail what horrific things people suffer the world over on a regular basis. I shudder to think of having to live in places like that. We truly have been blessed as a nation. My hope is that the trouble ahead for our country will refine and strengthen us as a people rather than crush us.

Believer · June 2, 2010 at 8:22 am

Amen to your article Kellene. We certainly are blessed here in this country. The poorest among us have much more than most of the world. It is unbelieveable what other people have to endure. If we have gotten ourselves in debt, it is no ones fault but our own.

Thank you for your hard work.

Lynn · June 2, 2010 at 8:33 pm

Oh boy! This one sure hit the nail on the head for us. 9 months ago, My husband was laid off from his 15 year career with the local newspaper when they suddenly were scrambling to get themselves out of a financial death. They shut down entire departments and gave the work to companies overseas where many of the American and Canadian jobs have gone.

We have been digging in our heels and desperately trying to make a go of a home business doing what he loves and doing what he does best. The same work he has done for over 25 years. It is SO hard to start up and KEEP going on a new business…….but I am more determined now after reading your post. Thanks!

Janel · June 2, 2010 at 11:15 pm

Love the article and agree wholeheartedly. I do not like Oprah AT ALL, but for additional reasons that you listed. She scares me a lot! Can’t wait to hear your next installment.

Janel · June 2, 2010 at 11:17 pm

And…when my husband was laid off over a year ago we made the decision to go it with our “side business” full time. What a great decision! We love being self employed….from our own home to boot!

Peg · June 3, 2010 at 12:52 am

Miss Kellene–Great Article!! I can hardly wait for the next installment. When did we Americans become such Whiner, Wennies, and Wosses? I hear this is the most tramatic time, like the Great Depression. Give me a break! Those folks in the Depression could not find a job because there weren’t any. They didn’t have homes because they were foreclosed (sound familiar). Some of the people lived on canned catus an rattlesnake. They didn’t have unemployment, food stamps, and medical care. I’m not saying things aren’t tough now, they are. We all got a little greedy,and irresponsible. We knew we couldn’t afford those expensive houses and cars. We were all living paycheck to paycheck. Now is the time to take stock of your life, and decide what kind of life you want for yourself and your family. The American people have always found the backbone to take care of their business. I was lucky to have lived with my Grandmother. She taught me to be Thrifty and Frugal. These are not dirty words or actions. Remember the rule of holes, when you find yourself in one–Quit Digging. I am looking forward to finding information on doing the self-employed thing. I have fibromyalgia so I need to learn to work around it. I am luckier than most of the people who fight this. I don’t always have bad days, and for this I am truly greatful.

Kavius · June 3, 2010 at 1:16 am

Well written point. I too am more than a little short of patience for those that will not help themselves. Glad to hear there are others like my wife and I.

I was starting to wonder if we were the only sane people in the world, or maybe the crazy ones…

And I’ve never liked Oprah.

RenegadeTimes · June 3, 2010 at 11:08 am

Love to hear more. You have said what I have felt for years. Does any American know what true poverty and fear is ? Perhaps but the majority of us in this country have no clue of the desperations in 3rd world countries.
On one YT video I saw the comment, :
When did American’s become such needy pansy’s ?” I laughed so loud.
Hpw true how true. The struggling tough tenacious generations before us surly do show us presently as pansy’s. lol
Love your input.

Randy · June 3, 2010 at 4:54 pm

I have had an at-home business for 6 years now and I love the independence and doing what I want to do. I don’t need a boss or a safety net, just an opportunity. We still have such in America although the pressures on small business from our own government are increasing daily. The buck does stop on the desk of the person brave enough to take on a business of their own. God bless all who have the spunk to try!

Lilly Rivas-Waits · July 26, 2013 at 1:28 am

Wow!! I sure needed this today!! thank you!, we quit our jobs, sold our home and move to a more rural area to work full time in our very young family buss. It’s been extremely difficult, we have made major changes and I’m sure most of our family and friends do not understand, or they think we are crazy. (some times I wonder myself) I have been inspired with your article to keep working hard and make this work, and reading other people’s post gives me comfort, I see some light at the end of the tunnel. God bless you!

Yahoo · December 11, 2014 at 10:56 am

Can you tell us more about
Can you tell us more about this? I’d like to find out more details.

Preparedness Pro · December 12, 2014 at 7:09 pm

Stay tuned, friend. I’m
Stay tuned, friend. I’m recording a YouTube series on this very topic! 😉

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