09 Apr 2012 by
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When I was young my parents were in the military.  I remember the movers coming and would roll their eyes!!  They had to wrap every single jar my Mom had canned.  When we came home my Great Grandma and my Grandma’s always had a HUGE garden.  We all thought it was awesome.  Pick the carrots, get them clean in the creek and eat them!  Yum!  I remember my Mom going to the commissary and would chips and freeze them.  She would freeze Everything!!  Chips were special treat back then.  We always...
09 Apr 2012 by
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My mother was brought up during the depression, so with 5 brothers and 3 sisters, I was brought up to pinch and save also.  We did not have a bathroom till I was 6 or 7 years old.  We had an outside pump and an outhouse.  We raised sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, along with lots of puppies and kittens. But truthfully, the moment I decided I needed to prepare, was when I took a job working in the electric company sub stations and on protective equipment for the grid.  That is when I...
09 Apr 2012 by
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Seven years ago my husband and I moved to the Big Island of Hawaii. We had both spent the majority  of our lives on the mainland and were used to the convenience of living there.  One day, I went down the yogurt aisle and found it void of yogurt. When I asked the cashier about it she said that the yogurt was expected to arrive in a few days. The Big Island depends heavily on shipments coming into its harbor. There are so many things that can cause disruption to the island... tsunamis,...
09 Apr 2012 by
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From Nordstrom's shopping addict to a Prepper addict? What do you get with a young and vain generation that has had the major part of society telling them there self worth comes from how they look or appear to others? You get a person who was addicted to shopping, in a lot of debt, fighting with her husband about buying MORE CLOTHING because of her shopping addiction, because she is allowing others to determine her self-worth based on what they think of her! Fast forward to when I got pregnant...
09 Apr 2012 by
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Hello prepper community! I just want to put my two cents worth in because I feel that this is such a worthy subject that leads to a total lifestyle change.   My husband and I have been prepping for sometime now, but the program on nat-geo called "doomsday preppers" really re-lit the prepping flame.  It was such an encouragement to see folks like Kellene and her husband taking control of their lives.  As we tuned in each week to watch different people and their efforts we began to notice that...
09 Apr 2012 by
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My family and friends call it my obsession. I call it my passion. What it really is is part of our everyday prepping. It’s been almost 50 years now since I first started knitting and sewing. At first it was just because I wanted to do everything that my older sister did. Then it turned into something that I found I enjoyed doing and that I was good at doing. The more I learned about sewing and knitting, the more I wanted to learn. For my mom it was only practical that I learn, so she taught me...
09 Apr 2012 by
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Since May of 2011 I have thrown away several no longer needed prescription drugs, and I have lost 40 pounds, because of things I learned and practiced while prepping. I learned a lot of great stuff from Kellene. I learned about the right oils to use, including essential oils. I learned about the proper intake and use of vitamins. I am a much stronger and better health nut today because of prepping. I went from being the pickiest child in the USA to eating kale, spinach, quinoa, chia and flax...
09 Apr 2012 by
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Things growing wild in my garden: Purslane (an edible weed); calendula (used to make an ointment for minor skin ailments), and raspberries (just yummy). Prepping for hard times is nothing new. Like a lot of people who live paycheck to paycheck, I know what it means to be on a budget and make my dollars stretch through the month, but in the wake of a short or long term emergency type situation, even the most frugal and resourceful people like myself, can never be fully prepared for every...
09 Apr 2012 by
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TEOTWAWKI??? I call it  preparing for lifes curveballs When I was a child living in Oakland, California, my daddy was a truck driver.  The Longshoremen went on strike in the mid 70’s.  Since my Daddy hauled off the docks he could not get loads.  He could not cross the picket lines as they could and would become violent at that time.  He could not get unemployment because he had a job and could not get strike pay because he was not the one on strike.  Times were tough.  My mother made many pots...
09 Apr 2012 by
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My wife and I made the decision to begin prepping in one day.  That is the point that I feel really needs to be made, it's a decision that can be made in one day at one moment and the impact can affect hundreds, if not thousands. We have been prepping now for about 5 years, but have gotten serious about it in the last 2 years. I can only imagine how much more could have been accomplished if we would have been more serious from the beginning. This is why I feel led to enter this contest, not...


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