Preparedness is About Listening and Doing

This is a world of change. Tomorrow will be different than today, and none of us know how it will be different.  We do not know what we need to prepare for, or what tomorrow brings for us, but there is a guiding force with you that can lead you and send you clue’s.  You just need to just follow your hearts (that soft feeling or knowing) because it is the one thing that you can rely on...meaning the guidance from above and within.
It all started for me as a child. I remember in the 60's going down in the basement and helping (maybe:) Mom sort the bottled jars, counting them and putting them in order. I was so proud of cleaning that food room. I remember when they went to the store and bought extra cases of cold cereal and toilet paper (what a blessing in our lives) because the Black Panthers may be coming through. That was a long time ago...but we had it, and used it.  I felt very safe as a child because my parents made me feel that way. Feeling safe and having peace of mind gives you so much freedom.  Preparedness allows the space to have fun.
While on vacation a couple years back, I had a feeling in the night that we needed to get more toilet paper. We already had many cases, and I was wondering how in the world my honey would react.   While driving that morning he said, "I think we need more toilet paper, how much do we have?"  Wow, a double whammy.  Guess what we did?
Each one of us will be guided differently, and led to different parts of preparedness-at different times. One thing is a constant...that is to follow the guidance within. It will lead you to being prepared in the way that you need. The important thing is to ask what you can do, what do you need to do; ASK what your next step is. Then watch and listen. By following the still small voice, the nagging feeling or thought, or the reminder that pops up three times within a couple days; you will do the things necessary for you and your loved ones.
Preparedness is listening and doing.  Enjoy!  It is fun!
How to VOTE for the best Preppers Outreach Contest Entries:
If you think this entry merits one of your 5 allotted votes, then post a comment below. Do NOT post a comment if you do not want it to count towards one of your 5 allotted votes. If you want to award an entry more than one vote, you’ll need to leave a comment for each vote you want to cast.


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Yes! So true! The exact thing has happened to me and my husband...about isopropyl alcohol! Lol :)

Very good article. Thanks for the info. Brings back memories of my own.

You go girl!!!

My vote is for J.K. J. is a person who is very aware of the fact that we need to be prepared and is so willing to help others get there storage. I know she works very hard on being prepared and she also is a very giving person.

Great insight!

J. is great. She is very informed and always willing to share her expertise with others.And she is all about listening to her inner voice.

J has taught me everything I know!

I couldn't agree more. I wish there were more people like this. People that cared enough. Great read!!

Being prepared is more than just a pass time. It's a lifestyle. Great job on making sure those around you are safe and prepared as well by following your heart and intuition!

Great article, this one gets my vote!!

Looks like your diligence is paying off J!!

It is great to have the guidance. I always have cases of things around, and pick up extra stuff at the grocery stores.

It is great to be guided. I agree that this an important element that we should follow every day.

Amein! Do what you know to do, trust God to make up the difference. He knows what will happen to each one of us--we don't--so we have to rely on Him for many specifics. Yet He expects us to do our part, to do whatever comes to hand. ("Go to the ant, thou sluggard" comes to mind.) For most women that means food preparation and storage, because that's what we do naturally. If He has gifted you with the ability to build or garden or farm or research or McGyver things or whatever--go for it! Don't sweat the rest--like this lady says, listen for the Still Small Voice and He will make the rest available when the time is right (including getting husbands on board). :)

Very true. Ask, Listen, and then keep your eyes open. You'll continually be amazed at what comes your way.

Being in tune with your higher self for guidance is very important. It is a great feeling to know that you listened-and then trusted that inner voice and acted. It is the way I have taught all my children from an early age. We have a game that we play-what are your vibes. They listen and feel. Usually they are right, or make wise choices.

Hey, you stole that from Sonya!

Extremely inspirational! I hope whoever reads this will be enlightened to follow their heart and what they believe to do is right. This is what can help you throughout the rest of your life. This is perfect guidance! Use it to your advantage! This takes my vote!

Your words (and stories) Never cease to amaze me. This, I think, doesn't only consider preparedness for physical things, but it shows preparedness of mind as well. Good luck in this contest!

Voting again for the inspirational view!

It said we were allowed to vote five times, right?

I like this entry. My vote goes here-as I feel the same.

This is so true, another vote for you.

Wow! this has inspired me and i feel like i can take the guidance she has given me and run with it. I vote I vote!

I love this! I vote!

I vote!

I vote!

I vote!

This was a good piece. I agree that this is very important in life in any circumstance. Last vote for me!!


Well written

I liked your approach to the problem of preparedness. The Holy spirit really is necessary for our understanding in this thing. And each person will be inspired to prepare in different ways. Your examples were down to earth and very relatable.

You have always been good at seeing the bigger picture. That is what you have done with this write-up! You got my vote alright, Tuwee.



++ great article

I loved this article. It makes me remember why I continue to do this.


J has my vote again!

I <3 toilet paper also! Stocking up on it is always good!

Good luck!!!! Hope you win!

Win me some toilet paper... I like the soft stuff!

This reminds me of my mom and dad too! They always stocked up on the good stuff for me too!

I woof my parents!

You have my vote x 4

Last vote for me :D

vote for the best entry

Here is my second vote. Great article. Reminds me to prep for my cats.

three for the

four to the floor

We are in trying times, and it might also get worse. Being prepared is good. Some states are even trying to do statewide emergency drills.

That is a long article good thing i didn't have to read it.

There is never enough toilet paper!

Seven votes for this article.

everyone should vote for this one!

This article has to win it just has to.

JK is a great resource for others that are just starting their Food Stores.

Well said, a great reminder.

In my life, I have always tried to follow the little nudge's. It is really noticable when I don't. That is how we learn.

Third vote is for me.

:) good!


I would like to vote again

My vote is for Julie

Nobody works at being prepared more than Julie does. She deserves my vote for sure.

I want you to win this! You have a very good write-up and deserve the prize.

You are a winner in my heart no matter the outcome. But you should take the cake on this one!

This one is still my favorite!!

I vote for this one.

She is the best. I liked this.

This is true. My mom taught me the same thing.

Wish you luck in this contest.

There needs to be enough toilet paper.

JK- I'd vote for her a hundred times!

JK- Is she prepared? You know she is.

Voting again for JK!!!

My vote goes to JK!

You've got this on in the bag JK!


i love toilet paper its so much more comfy than leaves lol

i vote for JK!

very good write up from a very prepared sister

you can never have enough toilet paper.....great example

I think u should get some glow in the dark toilet paper just incase its dark out!!

you are an example to us and keep us motivated to prepare.

loved your write up.....hope you win a deserve it!!

we should all be prepared and you are a great teacher

or how about edible toilet paper just incase u get really really hungry n have to eat it... they could even have flavors like strawberry banana, and of coarse dark chocolate :) lol yummmm

there is a time to prepare and a time to be greatful cuz we are prepared

ok now im hungry for some chocolate

we loved your article Julie

well done and a great article.....made me stop and think about my journey

loved the toilet paper example

most of us need to 'do' more......we think about it but don't put the action behind it

listening to the still small voice is important.....then taking action is huge!

i just think julie is wonderful

and i learn so much from her, vote julie

not to mention she has a great sense of humor

Well put!

Leaves work, but best used in the warmer months. Remember though, "leaves of three, let them be."

Thanks for all your insights.

Listening is the hardest lesson.

Change is the only constant.

I vote

I vote, really vote!

I vote, really really vote

I vote for sure!

you are the best

you are a good role model. I vote

good essay

you are my vote

I hope you win this

My mother loves you and so do I. I vote.

You haved the right idea. I vote for you.

you have my vote

I am on your page. It is the best

congradulalions. I vote for you

I am with you!

I have always believed in preparedness.

good job!

This is the best yet!

Who knew you were so talented.

This piece made me think.

My vit e is for Julie.

Jule is an asset to many of us in getting started on the road to security.

I thought a great thing Julie brought up is how everyone will feel the urge to prepare in a different way, it is important to follow what YOU feel a need to do, not everyone can prepare in the same way, so do what feels most important to you.

My parents also made me feel safe by preparing! One cool thing they did for my brother and I that helped us feel prepared was gave us karate lessons. I think knowing ways to defend yourself in case of assault helped me feel like I could at least do something for myself!

Thanks for being such a great example and your constant reminders!

My Vote is for Julie

Great essay
you got my vote

we all need to be more prepared

I like what you said.

Heres my vote

You are wonderfully prepared.

I vote for you.

You are the best.

I want you to win!

I vote.

Mother knows best! You and Mom are great at being prepared.

I wish I was so prepared. I do not even have my garden in yet!

I am working on my storage and preparedness now. Thanks for your example.

You should see my pantry. It sucks. I like your example.

vote your YOU!

I want to be more like you!

When I move back to the states I am going to prepare like you do.

You have such good ideas about being prepared.

We could all learn a lesson from you in preparedness.

You certainly have my vote!

You have my vote!

I should take lessons from you. Are you giving any?

You have my vote.


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