A Place of Refuge

We moved to our home on 20 acres about 20 years ago. We moved simply because we wanted out of the city, but as I walked around our property on that first day, something spoke to my heart and I “felt” that someday this place would be a refuge.  15 years later, that memory came back to me.  All of a sudden I felt an urgency to prepare.  I wasn’t exactly sure for what, but I knew that I needed to be ready for a melt down of some sort.  For the last 4-5 years I’ve felt as if I were caught up in a whirlwind!  So many things to learn, so much to do!

First, I got chickens and learned about raising them, then goats came along, dairy goats to be precise.  Besides the fencing and the housing, the feeding and the breeding, I had to learn how to milk and make all sorts of things from the milk that they provided.  I learned about canning and preserving foods, alternative medicines, fermenting, and began collecting all sorts of odds and ends that might someday come in handy!  Gardening is a talent I am still working on!

As I said before, I don’t know what is coming.  It might be a pandemic, terrorism, stock market crash, natural disaster, or a combination of all of these things, (my personal thought), but I believe that we all need to be prepared, not only for ourselves but for our loved ones and our neighbors.

For the most part, I’ve been alone on this journey.  My husband is supportive, but he just lets me do my thing.  Most of my friends and family agree with me and say things like, “You’re right!  I really should do something, I know…..”, but nothing gets done.

I’ve seen many “apocalyptic” type shows, like “The Colony” and I’ve read and listened to many “preppers” talking about how they are preparing to protect themselves and defend their provisions against anyone who would try to take it away from them.  I understand their position, but I know that I could never turn away a hungry person, especially a child!

My goal, my vision you might say, is to be a place of refuge for those people who never followed through on what they knew that they should do.  I envision a place that is almost a “commune” style with shared work loads and community dinners.  Hopefully someone will know more about gardening than I do and will be able to take over that horrible chore from me!  Ha!  I’m not naïve to think that there won’t be problems, but I will let my police chief husband deal with those when the time comes!  Meanwhile, I keep collecting tents, building shelters, canning foods, and learning more and more skills.

The Bible says that whoever gives a glass of water to someone in need does so unto God Himself.  That’s my heart.  I firmly believe that as long as I do what I’m able to do NOW, God will take care of the rest LATER.  After all, He fed 5,000 with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish!




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God always warns his people first, before disasters occur. I'm with you...something's coming and we need to be prepared. God will know how to put all 20 acres and what you've prepared to good use...just listen and trust. :)

I started my straw bale garden. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Need bees! How do we get some bees? I've actually thought about finding out about getting a hive. How nuts is that? It's that or have to pollinate all my squash, pumpkins and the like...still thinking that through. Praying God blesses this garden idea.

I know God gives us warnings but I truly feel the rapture will be coming soon and hopfully soon. I do know that My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory

Sometimes we don't get the whole picture but I feel we need to be faithful in doing what we hear from God when we hear it and trust Hime for further directions.

You sure are a great example for those who are also feeling that they need to do something to protect their families from possible disasters.
Good job!

If we don't, who know and beleive somethings coming, who will? Our families who think we're nuts will be very greatful when disaster hits. Now if I can just keep my teens out of my supplies, I might have enough for all my family.

I'm excited about this site. I've been spreading the news. If I can help a few get prepared it will be well worth it.

Those of you who hope to start gardens remember to get the right kind of seeds. I don't think the GMO ones will be any good.

Woman of faith, woman of the land. God is smiling.

I do know about the GM seeds. All the seeds I buy are heirloom seeds.

Debbie is a great friend and prepper.She got me started on this adventure over 2yrs ago and she is always on top of it all. She is my resource and great lady.

Judy Kellene keeps me on top of it all!

Good stuff.

This truly was a great article, Debbie. I have had some of the same thoughts concerning our land. Hopefully, since this is my last year of homeschooling I will have time to think through and make plans.

Great article! Food for thought!!!

Follow your heart!

Nicely written.

you are speaking to the very core of my heart... especially the community dinner however, you are about 5 years ahead of me in prep work. i am just at the getting some clarity side of things. and gardening is not my thing either!!

Debbie, unfortunately I would be one of those that shows up on your door needing help - we dont have a garden or anything and honestly don't have the space for it. Our focus these past few years of marriage is on our finances, and we have a strong conviction with that. We are avoiding debt and saving as much as we can.

"For such a time as this, Debbie, I believe you have been called. Knowing you have a prophetic mantle on you.......and the fact that you have spoken truth into my own life on other issues, makes me "set up and take notice" to this preparedness message. You go, Girl!!!!!!!!! I, too, am on board!!!

Your refuge may be of the heart. A place where our souls can find comfort. - God knows that I have sought comfort in your wisdom many times...

I would love to do what you have done. I don't have much property myself but we have been stocking up ourselves. Because we feel the same way you do on the future is unsure. But with all my worries I just say my life is in God's hands and I trust in him for my safety.

What a piece to breed thoughts. Things to meditate on, pray about and act upon.

Debbie, digging a well was the ultimate. So proud of you!!!!

This is a great article, Debbie! Wonderful!

This is a great article, Debbie! Wonderful!
I love your goat cheese! Yummy feta.

While I have been feeling the same for some time, it has been difficult to do much till recently. Since we first heard, we have moved 4X. Many times, He told us to consolidate and get rid of stuff. One was an out of state move. We stayed with friends for 9 months and had our stuff in their basement. Then in storage. We're doing what we can on a very limited income. My hat goes off to you with all the sacrifice and works of obedience. I admire you for it. This journey God has us on has been a roller coaster. We will probably move again soon. All that to say, I wish we could have been able to prepare more and are doing the best we can to prepare under the circumstances.

Thank you so much for sharing all your expertise and what God has shared with you. I will probably be asking you about more stuff after we move.

How would you cook? A charcoal grill?

I bet you have learned much through this process. I am coming to your house!

You are such an amazing woman of faith, and have always inspired me! Your obedience is radical, and I love it! You should start a blog so that we can be a part of your journey. Thank-you so much for sharing your heart. I never knew this about you and would love to learn more :) I love you!

Suzanne...getting out of debt is VERY important...but I've actually been EMPTYING my bank account because I have felt to "use the money I have while it still has value"....since I believe that will be one of the issues we will be facing....a worthless monetary system....Think about it!

I think we should all be ever vigilant and ready for whatever comes our way. I am so proud of the way you are preparing Debbie.


Very interesting!

Nice article! We cheated this year on gardening we bought 2 shares in a orgainic farm and just have to drive in to town once a week and pick up the produce that is ready. Good Luck!

Wonderful article. We cheated on gardening this year and bought 2 shares on an organic farm we just have to drive to town once a week to pick it up. We will see how it works. Good luck!

Doreen...Solar ovens are GREAT! You ought to check them out!

Erin...I think that one of the purposes of this contest is to let everyone know about our preparations...to help others get involved. Sometimes it's hard to tell people about it because we're afraid that people will think we're KOOKY!

Mark and I have been talking about this too. I think it is wisdom to prepare. Good word!

im so proud of you mom

I would NEVER think your kooky... and if your being obedient to your calling from God....WHO CARES WHAT PEOPLE THINK :) This chapter in my life has been hugely about making a difference, acting, and being obedient. Not being just a "hearer", but being a "doer", and what a perfect example your making. I'm sure people thought Noah was kooky, but as Christ followers, oh what a fantastic story of obedience and faith, and reading about it inspires others to step out in faith as well. I'm so glad you shared and opened that door.<3

So inspiring! I too have listened to the Spirit and have been greatly blessed. Thanks for being faithful! You will be a blessing to many. You definitely have my vote! Good luck

Here's my vote! So many great entries and inspiring stories. Good luck with your preps.

Got my vote!

#2 vote!

And my 3rd vote!


Last one!

Here's my vote

I get another vote

This is the third

And #4 vote for you!

This is the last one

Hey, I'm so proud of all you're learning and sharing. Keep it up!

Good ideas

You need to be a teacher

Gardening gets easier

What can you do to replace electricity in preparing.

Voting 4

Carol...I have a dehydrator...actually three of them...I have used them and plan to do more...but mostly I'm into canning.

As far as electricity goes...I'm planning around it...For example, candles and lamps...solar powered lights...solar ovens and cast iron to use in wood fires...Wood heat etc.

Carol...there are so many things to think about...You do what you can with what you have and pray you will be able to handle what ever comes!

I really don't believe anyone could ever be totally prepared for everything! We simply do the best we can!

I need to do more dehydrating. I'm not really certain about how to store home dehydrated things and how long the shelf life would be.

Not always easy living with a prepper!

I'm getting run out of my garage!

There is stuff everywhere. Not even sure we would know how to find what we needed.

But I agree its important to be ready

I would just like my garage back!

Preparation means peace!

Good ideas!

Thanks for sharing this information!

Thanks for sharing! This is very interesting!

What you are doing is very admirable.

I think that more people should be doing these sorts of things that you have written about...being prepared to "live off the grid."

It is much healthier to grow your own veggies.

Have you shared about your solar oven with everyone yet? I need to pull mine out and start using it more to be used to doing so should it come to a place that's all I have to use.

Agree about Mark. He has been so good about "letting" you spend and prepare and do all you've done and not complain or fight you. Most men would have contolled every move.

Preparation equals peace, no doubt. Joseph prepared and Egypt and was in a good place when famine hit everyone else.

We make our plans but the Lord directs our steps

Curious if you've seen where silver is at...it's dropped quite a bit! I had to sell some of mine to get the jeep and got less than I hoped for, but more than I invested, so was still all good! It's George Sorro's fault! LOL

Glad you got chickens

How do you like your berkey water filter.

Was looking up buying a beehive. There are small ones that are more traditional that cost $150, but there is one kind $50 shipping on ebay....very nice. Then, you buy bees...and the word is, go to a local honey maker and see about getting bees from them. Takes 1 queen for every 3 lbs. of bees for a hive. One thing that will make it very hard to grow a good garden is lack of pollination. We need bees!

Carol...I love my Berkey

I would like to hear about the solar oven, too.

Good luck to you! Hope you win.


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