It's About the WHY

I don't think it really matters what you are prepping for; it's the why that matters!

We have always had extra food on hand for snow or emergencies but when we realized we would have a major decrease in our income we started to get prepared. Soon we realized that using sales to stock up saved us LOTS of money when combined with coupons.

Then several years ago a light bulb went off as to the instability of our country and the socialistic tendencies of our government and being prepared became a way of life that we desired to teach our children. Dust off the Mason jars! Make time to play in the dirt with the kids (gardening)! It has drawn our family closer on many levels. But we kept all this in the closet so to speak. We didn't want our friends, family, or neighbors thinking we were lunatics!

But then we found Kellene ( and came out of the closet! While we are not on tv or even in print, we do speak and try to educate when we can. Why? Because we believe that God has given us wisdom to prepare for the lean years and hardship to come. We don't want all our friends, family, and neighbors knocking on our doors hungry, we want them to be prepared!  So, take that self-defense class you have been putting off! Clip those coupons! Buy a little extra on each shopping trip! Co-op with others to help can and garden! Your family will be happier and healthier now and your future generations will be blessed by being ready for anything!

That's WHY!


How to VOTE for the best Preppers Outreach Contest Entries:
If you think this entry merits one of your 5 allotted votes, then post a comment below. Do NOT post a comment if you do not want it to count towards one of your 5 allotted votes. If you want to award an entry more than one vote, you’ll need to leave a comment for each vote you want to cast.


© 2019 Of COURSE this post is Copyright Protected by Preparedness Pro. All Rights Reserved. NO portion of this article may be reposted, printed, copied, disbursed, etc. without first receiving written permission by the author. This content may be printed for personal use only. (Then again, laws are only as good as the people who keep them.) Preparedness Pro will pursue all violations of these rights just as vigorously as she does any of her other freedoms, liberties, and protections.


Good answer! We try to prepare, but we are on a verrry fixed income, so we can't do much. We buy something extra each month, but I feel we need to do more. I'm trying to figure out a way to build some raised beds so I can grow my own veggies and I have acquired 5 hens. It seems like too little too late to me, but we are going to keep plugging away at it and try to add a little more each month. I just hope the disaster doesn't happen for a while.

Linda, God rewards obedience and effort! We hope any disaster won't happen for a long time, too. But each step you take in one more in the long walk. As Kellene says, "it's not a destination, it's a lifestyle!" We will be praying for you!

exactly. been preaching to my friends and family 2 prep 4 anything and everything. most don't wanna hear it, but the few i turn towards it, the better the world will be...

So very well said! Do what you can when you can but keep that goal in mind. Great philosophy & great article!

We are coming out of the closet too, and now teaching others how to start prepping. It just is something not to be ashamed of anymore...:)


I love what you are teaching. One of these days I hope to start prepping myself. Thanks!

Kristi :)

Don't wait! Each shopping trip can add up if you just put away an extra can or two. Don't forget pets!

Voted earlier but didn't see my vote... Voted Again :)


Very good advice:)

very enlightening article:)

I agree with everything you said. Sales and coupons are the way to go. Its nice to be reaffirmed by someone else, so continue to pass the word and we should all do the same!

I am with you... keep spreading the news and help others be prepared too!

by the way, like you said, it is never too late to get t he kids involved and have them understand the importance for doing this.

Any suggestions on a homeowners association that frowns upon gardens in our back yards? We've got one going on our side yard, but would have much more room in the back.

Try the raised bed or planters. We grow lots of tomatoes in a small raised bed and it looks very nice. On your deck, you can use large pots and it wouldn't even look like a garden! Cucumbers would just love a large pot and a trellis! Good luck!

You have my vote!

Great article!

I enjoyed couponing and learning from you... your stockpile is pretty awesome!

What is Kellene? I can google it, but asking gives you another vote :)

Not what... WHO! The best person to look to for preparedness advice!

I'm excited about our garden this year... now that you know who has so much free time, I hope to get it started sooner :)

Couponing is great and can save you a lot of money in the long run. Since you did save money then you can have a little bit more moving room then when not couponing.

Thanks for the great ideas!!

Prepping is hard when you have to worry about others. Prepping is very expensive and if you can save a little bit of money here or there it will help, and cut down on the stress.

There is never an end to prepping, you can reach goals in said time period. But you can never be prepared enough, to be at peace in your mind and being fully prepared.

Prepping, many things that people need to learn when prepping. One of those is canning and preserving. I have meet a lot of people old then me and I thought would know how to prep, but did not!! You can not vacuum seal everything, you must can fruits, veggies (even though kids hate them), nuts, the list goes on. So when you start to prep, or have started prepping, you need to learn how to can. Very important!! Internet is a wonderful thing and you can learn a lot from other people and do it rather quickly.

Great Attitude! Good luck!


Thanks for the advise and positive input.

Loved the ideas. Couponing is money to put toward more prepping.

Voted once more.

Great advise!

Dear T.N. from DE - you write a great piece, you have my vote.

From someone living in Florida this provides a more serious take on hurricane preparedness. Long-term preparedness involves a lot more planning, which T.N. helpfully discusses.

I like the idea of involving the whole family. It is so important to include children in meaningful activities. (Just don't be too surprised if at some point, they reject your vision - they usually come around to your way of thinking sooner or later!!)

Thanks Mom!

You give Prep School a new meaning.

Nice article. The Why is important. The Why determines how you prepare. Are you preparing so you can outlive others? Are you preparing so you can help others? The Why give guidance to where you locate, what resouces you value, what you stock, what tools you learn to use, whether you hid your preparedness so other won't steal your cache, or work with others in sense of community.

Interesting thoughts. Ironic how many acts of "preparing" involve disengaging from complex technology and rolling back time. Before refrigeration there were mason jars. Before cars there were horses. Before TV there were rocking chairs and porches. Before DVDs there were sunsets.
I am not a total romantic. Not everything benefits from 'retro". I wouldn't want to abandon all modern medicine.

Exactly. Preparedness is a frame of mind, not just a set of skills or stockpile of resources.

Sounds good. Wish more people were of the same mind.

Voting again.....

and again.....

and yet again.....

The Seven P's. - Proper prior preparation prevents pretty poor performance.

and one more time. Love you!

Keep teaching!


Voting again...

...and yet again...

seriously, though, I will actually go through and check out this website soon. I do think that we are going to have a major crisis in the US in the near future, and that things are not improving as some are saying. I, too, am on a very tight budget, just do what you can and don't beat yourself up over what you can't do.

Ah, I think I have one more vote!

The preaching of the cross is foolilshness to them that perish. Lokewise with preparing for a hard time.

Thanks for the great ideas!

Love the comments, especially about the deck gardens


Voted once more! :)

I am voting now

I would also like to comment that this lady is one of the best! And I vote again

Thanks for getting me started with coupons. Voted again

TN I need your help canning this summer.Voting again

By help, I mean instructions. Last vote

Took awhile, had to read all the other articles. This one still gets my vote #2

Why not vote a threepete?

Four for good measure...

...and five for a win!! :-)

you have my vote over whelmingly ---way to go girl

You've got my votes

1 for the money :-)

2 for the show . . .

3 to get ready ;)

& 4 to go! Wait, weren't there supposed to be 5?! I lost track somewhere . . . maybe I should hire an accountant ;)

Of course I'm voting

I do what the voices in my wife's head tell me to

& try not to annoy the crazy person

besides, yours is the best by far!

hope this one puts you over the top to win!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Love the idea!

Excited to get kids on board!

Will be a fun adventure!

Support my girl and vote!

Proud of you - your thoughts are great.

We all need to be prepared for anything in life that comes our way - that's why.

I like what you say and the way you go about reaching your goals.

Wishing you "Good Luck" in reaching your goals.

We are most assuredly concerned, as you are, regarding the next generations, as we all should be.

You can do anything if you have motivation and a reason to do it. That is why you need a reason to do something, either it is for your self or family or later in life that you will not see. You will always need a Why??

Thanks for sharing your heart, there are not many poeple that can do that and do it for the wrong reason.

Coupons are nice, helps keep the cost down on prepping, so you can spend more on other things that cost more, like water, food.

Thanks for all that info that you have told and ideas that you have given me.

Voted for the last time. Thanks


great suggestion

the kids will be excited to get involved!

i need to coupon more!

i took a class upon your suggestion

the class will be extremely beneficial in educating others


I have 3 more votes :)

2 more votes, great ideas.

1 more vote, my mom does coupons and saves us a lot of money.

Last vote,thanks for the all the info that you have given me.

Thankyou for caring and sharing.


Cool article

Really interesting

Keep up the good work

I Love the freebies you taught me how to get couponing.

The whole family can learn alot doing this together.

Great advice as always.

Thankyou for being patient with your little sister. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and your willingness to always help.

Great Advice!

Good job getting prepared :)

A truly fascinating article

Thank you for this!

Will you write more about this?

Nice article

Being prepared is important.

I can see why people should try to be prepared and save money

Here's another vote

and another

Good job, Aunt Trish!

We don't think you are a lunatic!! Harry always kept "emergency" supplies in the cellar at the Seaford house - though going down to get them was a bit scary!

Good job writing this article!

It is so wonderful that you do canning of food at home. You know you are giving your family quality food.

You have a great way with words!

Did I ever sing you my boy scout preparedness song?

These are unstable times - it's good to be ready for whatever comes.

Pat has a really nice tomato plant going. Maybe you can show her how to prep them in mason jars. (If she gets some tomatoes.)

Some good advice.

Very concise!

This won't really matter when Jesus comes back. But until then, . . .

We never thought you were lunatics. That's way too strong a word. A little weird maybe but not lunatics.

A career in writing maybe? Or maybe the NY Times needs someone who doesn't have a liberal agenda.

Did you stock up on ammo too? That's in short supply here in the red states.

I love the coupons!!!

vote again

Voted a third time:)


Yay fifth vote!


And I am voting again

vote number 3

One more to go

five votes yay!




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