I guess I have always been interested in preparedness but usually I was regarded as kind of a nut.

Well the past couple of years have really become a wake up for a lot of people including me. I had a large home in the country with all of the things  one would hope to have in a “shtf” scenario  but because of the economic downturn  we had to sell the house  and move into the suburbs sharing a double  house with my daughter and children. Next, my wife, who had lupus, became a casualty .

It seems to have awakened a spark in me that now I will take care of the rest of the family and I will be prepared even if they are not . They are starting to  see some of it  but my prep has given  me a reason to  keep on going and it also spared new learning and a whole lot of other  things.

Little by little I have been reading and following prepper sites; I have purchased  a modest amount of long-term storage food and have begun to can( my wife and I always did that together). So now it keeps her alive with me as I fill jars and load the canner.

I do not feel at the mercy of the economy any longer.  I have also taken some other things into my own like my Retirement account. Heck, if I did what I wanted to do twelve years ago  I probably would be  running my own prepper  store  now  or maybe seeing a little  more of this great land we live in. I am already proficient with firearms  and have been instructing the younger set on proper  handling and emergency  drills .

Love the whole prepper  mindset     Thanks for reading  this.


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Cathy Ford · April 17, 2012 at 12:23 pm

Vote for Cicily!

Medford Marine · April 23, 2012 at 11:55 pm

Did you cash out the account? I have been contemplating this as I do not trust these co’s look at MF global they stole all the clients money! no recourse or repayment!

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