Personally, I’m more inclined to state that our government and their Wall Street and Federal Reserve cohorts are actually manipulating food prices in much the same way they are manipulating gold prices, fuel prices, ammo and firearm prices, and the value of the USD. However, one of the people that I consider a mentor is G. Edward Griffin, and today Mr. Griffin released an article and video link which takes the position that Wall Street is speculating on food thus making the food prices escalate all over the world, not just in the U.S. I think he’s simply being kind because I’ve no doubt that what we’re seeing nowadays is a battle of manipulation and as long as you’re a human who needs sustenance to live, then you’re a part of that battle. We are outmanned, outgunned, and underfunded to really fight back against such manipulations and thus the only certain way we have of countering this strategy is to stock up on the essentials that we need. If you are –to utilize coupons, then you’re going to be that much more ahead of the game as well. If you haven’t heard of G. Edward Griffin yet, then allow me to introduce him to you. He’s one of my all-time favorite authors–even more so than Ayn Rand, because not only does he write exceedingly well, but he lives his life according to his conscience. I HIGHLY recommend that you read at least the first 200 pages of his famous book “The Creature from Jekyll Island.” If you just HAVE to have the cliff notes of the book, then read “Jackals at Jekyll Island” by Richard Sizemore or “Dishonest Money: Financing the Road to Ruin” by Joseph Plummer with a foreword written by G. Edward Griffin. (I also LOVE the book “A World Without Cancer” by G. Edward Griffin as well.)   I was honored to have the privelege of interviewing G. Edward Griffin back when I made time for a weekly radio show. That was quite a coup to pull off for my little ole show and I was thrilled that he honored me with his time.  Using regular earphones over a phone line and working with a small-time producer, my show was honored to be the #1 show for that particular network (which was very small, mind you) and it’s thanks to interviews like this that got me there, I’m sure. (Because I snagged Mr. Griffin in spite of the mediocre technology and amateur production skills) Anyway, if you’d like to listen in on the interview you can still find it here:   GEG (as I constantly refer to him) also has a fabulous website, The Reality Zone. If you subscribe you will get a weekly e-mail that will highlight the issues going on that aren’t likely to hit the mainstream newsfeed but which are critical to for those who would be prepared. After all, if you aren’t informed, how are you to know what depth the hole is that you’re having to dig yourself out of, right? Anyway, this week I was perusing my Realty Zone e-mail and came across this link that GEG saw fit to elaborate on significantly more than normal, along with a link to the YouTube video that elaborates his position. I felt this piece was a great supplement to a couple of other articles that I have planned for during “100 Days of Prepping” series. So, giving him absolutely FULL credit for this portion, and responding to his encouragement for his readers to “spread the word”, I’m posting this piece in which he illustrates that Wall Street is speculating on food costs, and as such, is causing the cost of food to rise even more than it already is in response to the natural disasters, droughts, contamination issues, food recalls, GMO concerns, and a declining value in the USD.  In other words, “they” are manipulating the price of food; we all know darn well that if ever there were a “8% Food Tax” passed in Congress there’d likely be World War III, right? So instead of making it a political issue to wield control, the point of the spear is directed to Wall Street–aka the lackeys of the Federal Reserve and government who get paid handsomely out of the pockets of tax paying Americans. *sigh* I hope this gives you a bit of insight into what’s really going on in our economy, particularly as it relates to the food costs and other key essential items, and that such information will help you to be just a little sharper and more informed as you make decisions that are best for yourself and your loved ones. (As seen on Speculation by Wall Street traders is causing food prices to rise. Goldman Sachs made over $400 million from betting on food prices

Betting on a horse race has no effect on which horse will win. It only effects the bettors. The winners derive their profits solely from the losers. Likewise, speculating on the future price of food has little effect on its future price at all. Only supply-and-demand does that. The present price, however, can be affected by speculation, because contracts for future delivery are sold to the highest bidder, and that generally pushes up the price – but only in the short run. Speculators know that food prices, because of global diminishing supply and increasing demand, are going to rise greatly in the future; so, they buy contracts today for food to be delivered at a later date. They are willing to pay a little more than the current price because they are confident the price will be much higher when they take ownership of it. Another scenario is for them to actually acquire the food today and warehouse it while the price rises. The process of taking food off the market and putting it into warehouses decreases the present supply and pushes up the price. Eventually, they plan to sell at the higher price and, thereby, make a profit. Ethically, there is nothing wrong with that. Most people would be glad to stockpile, let’s say, ten cases of canned goods knowing that, in a few years, they might be worth twice what they paid for them. Wouldn’t that be a better way to protect one’s wealth than putting money into a savings account where it earns 2% interest and when income tax must be paid on the interest? Many industries use this hedging technique to protect against unexpected price jumps in the raw materials they use. It is common practice in the food industry. Problems arise when speculators (such as banks and investment funds) move into the field. They have no use for the commodities they are buying but consider these contracts as bets in a casino. This causes the amount of money flowing through the futures market to greatly exceed the industrial portion, and the surge of buy-and-sell orders often is totally unrelated to conditions that legitimately affect supply and demand for the commodity in question. The usual result is that commodity prices are bid up to unrealistically high levels. Can this affect the price of food when it finally is sold into the real marketplace and enters the food chain? The answer is yes – and no. Yes, it can increase the price at the time a futures contract is created. Those accepting immediate payment for future delivery also realize that costs are rising and they wisely include a safety margin which, in their opinion, is adequate to cover the risk. So, the price for future delivery usually is higher than for present delivery. When commodities are taken out of the current market and stockpiled in a warehouse, this increases present demand and that, also, causes present prices to rise. Finally, there is the psychological effect of seeing rising prices on future contracts. This can have a powerful impact on present prices as well. All of this, however, is primarily a temporary effect because, eventually, as old contracts are settled, the market price still responds to the stronger forces of supply-and-demand. If last year’s “buying” speculators were overly optimistic about how high prices were heading, they will lose money on their bets, and that will have a damping effect on current speculation. If the cost of warehousing exceeds the anticipated rise in prices, those speculators also will lose money. Speculators carry a lot of risk, and they constantly must make adjustments in their formulas to keep in step with reality. The net effect of speculation in the market is to push commodity prices today to where they would be nine months from now anyway. In the long term, prices are determined by supply-and-demand. There is no question that speculation has caused food prices to rise sooner than they would have done without speculation, but the far greater cause is diminishing food production. Government intervention into agriculture and massive poisoning of the Earth’s air, soil, and water have more to do with that than speculators. Perhaps that is the reason the mass media is so quick to focus the blame on “capitalist” speculators as a diversion from the real culprit: collectivism.

See YouTube Video here:  

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Joan Ellen · January 27, 2013 at 4:50 am

This is no surprise at all.
While buying chicks feed this fall in Amish country I spoke with a dairy farmer , discussing the esculating price of corn. He told me that he personally knew farmers that had been approached by the federal government who offered to pay the farmers top dollars for their crops then would build huge grain bins to store the grains on the farmer’s land. He maintains the Feds are storing grain to drive up the market prices, since the grain remains untouched now for a few years now.
I have seen mammoth steel grain bins beside tiny farm houses thinking how odd
It appeared.

Becky · January 27, 2013 at 5:56 am

Very well put!

crisco · January 27, 2013 at 2:10 pm

Any of us who have been stocking our pantry for the last couple of years know the reality of rising food prices. Bread flour has increased by 25%, popcorn bulk volume by 40%, rice, beans, peanut butter, milk…but there is no inflation. Nonesense! The stress on food supplies are being created by drought, government conrols on farmers, increased population and energy prices. Add in hedging of commadities markets and government manipulation and the scenerio is a nightmare. It’s all about control. We as a poplulation are being ‘played’ big time. Kellene is abolutely right. Read, ” Atlas Shrugged” Ayn Rand, (watch the movie), “.1984” George Orwell, all the selections suggested in her blog above. I am currently reading “Currency Wars -The making of the next global crisis” – James Rickards (excellent). The more you know history, the more you will see it repeating itself. The best you can do as an individual is be aware of policy makers tactiics and try and stay a step or two ahead of them in your preparations. Most importantly pray…find your moral compass, know who you are and surround yourself with like minded people. Strive for self sufficiency and independance. We have been through this before. We will survive and prosper inspite of the odds.

frank · January 27, 2013 at 4:52 pm

All the more reason to become as self sufficent as possible. My goal is to produce 95% of my own food and only buy maybe flour , sugar and things I can not produce.

Suzie Q · January 27, 2013 at 8:21 pm

Rev. 6:5,6 -” And I beheld, and lo, a black horse: and he that sat on him, had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say: a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny: and oil and win see thou not hurt.”

Sounds like the floor of the stock market to me setting prices for food.

jim · January 28, 2013 at 2:24 am

Does GEG still live in Kalifornia?……thanks for the tip – I subscribed to his web site….

Karen · January 31, 2013 at 2:21 am

Do you have an opinion about the Success Council? They are using video clips of statements made by GEG. Thank you.

Rhonda · February 20, 2013 at 4:29 am

My ex-husband is a multi millionairre farmer and so is his father. I was in the marriage for almost 20 years. The goverment bails out the farmers to the point that is is sickening. Paid to not plant anything on “set aside” ground in one of the worst. I always have called it “farmer welfare”. If all of you do not already know this….there are NO POOR FARMERS! My ex owns several airplanes and wants for nothing. He does not pay income tax because he is incorporated,
We are all going to suffer from this price fixing on corn as the farmers store their corn and do not sell, so it seems there is a shortage. They are waiting for the price of corn or whatever they are farming to meet the “supply and demand” rule that raises the profit that they make. Once again…there are NO POOR FARMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Linda · April 10, 2013 at 1:47 am

    I always say I’ll feel sorry for the “poor farmers” when they quit driving around in their $40K new pickups while I’m driving a used car that’s between 7 and 22 yrs old because it’s all I can afford. Nobody gives me subsidies or pays me not to produce. What really bothers me though, is that they’re all happy to plant the GMO corn & soybeans without ever questioning whether it’s safe for people or animals to eat…and according to independent researchers, it’s not.

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