Facebook wants you to report people who are “too prepared”
I wrote an article several years ago about how I believe that in a financial collapse, desperate people would be persuaded by financial gain to essentially report on their neighbors for whatever the hot button cause of the day was at that time. I distinctly remember writing this article because there were so many comments from people believing that such a thing would never happen…clearly forgetting that even Jews reported on their fellow Jews during the holocaust. Some even believed that I had gone off the deep end to even describe such a state of desperation. And yet, if you haven’t noticed lately, there are more and more examples of people being persuaded to do exactly that without any regards to the lawfulness of the request or the sensibility of a person’s actions. For example, lately Facebook has been encouraging people to report on other people that they feel are “too prepared”.

Diminishing your light is just as bad as hiding it under a bushel
So, what do we do about it? I think we’re well past the stage of just being silent and keeping to ourselves. I think it’s vital that we don’t diminish our light even in the midst of ridiculously founded persecution. We’re not meant to be timid sheep. There are other people out there that are starting to take notice of how ill prepared they are and they are looking for answers to help them in a sensible approach to preparedness. Share with them your light and be brighter for it. A lone candle lights in the darkness regardless of how much darkness there is. Diminishing our light is just as wrong as hiding it under a bushel.
Susan · December 29, 2021 at 5:12 pm
I’m so glad you’re back! You
I’m so glad you’re back! You are a light to many. Thank you!
Kae Bean · December 30, 2021 at 2:18 pm
Thanks for the thoughts
Thanks for the thoughts Kellene, I agree totally. This whole Coronovirus and vaccination deal is another way the government is using people against people. Tracking those that are vaccinated and marking any contact they may have made with others is so WRONG! Just another Mark of the Beast! Keep up the good work my friend! Glad your light is shining in the darkness!
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