There are great deal of headlines making the news lately which all point towards the realistic possibility of a terrible drought. Drought, famine, pestilence—it’s not exactly something that we spend much of our days thinking about. However, in my desire to fortify my Spiritual and Mental Preparedness (the first 2 priorities of the 10 Principles of Preparedness) I indulged in some major research into the history of famines in world history and the human response to these scenarios. What I discovered actually confirmed in my mind that any person who desires to be self-reliant, should do so with the reality of a seven year famine in their future.


Historically speaking, famines have typically occurred as a result of a lack of water for the crops, an invasion of devouring pests, or a blight upon the crops. It’s interesting to note that as I perused the headlines over this past week which were relevant to the crops in our nation and the world, and  ALL THREE conditions were present in the news stories. A blight on the wheat and tomatoes, a shortage of water for the corn, wheat and soy harvests, and an as of yet unconquered pest invading our wheat crops.


As we all know, growing seasons occur on an annual basis in harmony with the changing seasons. So many assume that a bad crop this summer will be offset by digging into the surpluses we have until next year’s crop brings us back into balance again and thus nothing significant in the form of consequences will be felt. However, the first thing I’d like to point out is that a serious drought or famine scenario will last at least one year, right? Then why is it that so many of us only look to stocking up on food for a few months or a couple of weeks? Such a far cry from having “enough”. Just wait until I share with you what else I found that lent credence to the notion of a seven year famine being in our future.


If we’re going to prepare for a famine, the best way to do so is to do so based on historical facts of other famines—NOT based on the examples of flooding, economic woes, or war. Far too many look at the crisis of Hurricane Katrina and tell themselves that they are prepared for the worst if they use the Katrina disaster as a benchmark of time for potential endurance. But the fact of the matter is, history shows us that a famine has a much longer lasting effect than a couple of weeks. Since I have little or no control over how Mother Nature will behave next year, I don’t consider it wise to only focus on a single years’ supply of necessities. In fact, out of over 2,200 instances of recorded famines in world history, only 5 of them were reported to have lasted “only” a year. If one looks to the prophecies in the Bible, we are constantly warned to be prepared for a SEVEN year famine. The Bible refers to a famine nearly 100 times and I could not find a single instance in which the referred to famine lasted only a single year, in fact, all that I found referred to seven years.


O.K. Now that I’ve stressed you out by hinting for the need for SEVEN years of food supplies, –not counting seeds since they’d be useless in drought conditions, let’s take a step back for a moment and look at the potential consequences that any famine would have on our nation, let alone the rest of the world.


As best as I’ve been able to determine, there have been at least 2,200 famines that have occurred since 100 B.C. on the earth.  In looking at the statistics of the most notable famines, I’m disturbed to discover that the shortest famine was in Russia in 1600 A.D. and during that time 500,000 people perished!  I think it’s important to note that our population is much more dense today than it was back in Russia of 1600 A.D. and it’s much less self-reliant than those living at that time as well. While there may have been a famine, part of the duration of the famine was met with skilled men and women who knew how to prepare a meal with nothing more than a small open fire and some grains. Yup, if a famine were to strike us today, I’m certain our casualties would be significantly worse than even the mildest of famines experienced over the last 10 centuries. Unfortunately, the recent headlines support my supposition.


A story was featured recently in which those in West Virginia who received food stamps were panicking about the food that they lost during the week-long power outage that they experienced.  When the news station ran the story about how dire the conditions were for those receiving assistance, their station was inundated by hundreds of viewers who were attesting that those who receive food stamps weren’t the only ones suffering from a lack of food. There are, after all, those who barely make it without government subsidies; a week without power could have easily destroyed the majority of their primary food sources. Given the fact that over 46 million people are the recipients of food stamps today, I’m thinking that a famine would have some serious and immediate impacts on those persons, and I strongly doubt that their response to such a challenge will be to hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah. Nope, there will be serious desperation. But I’ll come back to that later.


As I shared earlier, the famine in Russia in 1600 was the shortest famine that I saw with the fewest amounts of casualties. By contrast, 2 year and 3 year famines took the lives of as many as 13 million deaths (North China famine, 1876-1879).  In fact, China had over 1,800 famines between the years of 108 B.C. and 1911 A.D. In case you’ve missed it, today China is experiencing its most severe drought conditions that they’ve had in as much as one hundred years. What was a bit more interesting/ pseudo-alarming to me was a couple of scientific research articles I came across which state that from a scientific perspective (applied math, erosion factors, and all kind of other stuff that I didn’t wholly understand) IF there were to be a famine in the U.S. today, it would last at least 3 years on the low end and 7 years was more realistic. (Hmmm…do these scientists read the Bible?) The reason they gave for this was based in part on the Farmer’s Almanac and historical data which showed that a drought season is usually followed by other types of difficult weather such as too wet  too long during the planting, an influx of pests, excessive cold weather, flooding, early frosts and snowfalls, and of course disease and blight. Additionally, a bona fide shortage of food which a famine would cause in the U.S. could easily lead to the natural consequence of war and civil disturbances which hinder the successful planting and reaping of crops and also create blockades and sieges of cities which only exacerbate famine conditions. Famines are also accompanied by other serious hardships, not the least of which is the loss of the means to earn a living. This challenge is also compounded when a famine occurs because the prices of the remaining food immediately skyrockets and thus quickly devours the financial reserves that only 3 out of 10 Americans claim to have in our present economic times. Yup, feelings of desperation just keep on mounting… In fact, in the Bible there’s an account which perfectly depicts this scenario. 2 Kings 6:25-30 covers the famine which occurred during the Syrian siege of Samaria. It discusses how “fourscore pieces of silver” were required for the purchase of an “ass’s head” which amount to about $50! “The fourth part of a cab”, a pint, of –yep, bird poop, people, went for about $3! The book of Lamentations 4:1-11 covers the famine in Jeremiah’s day in which it illustrates the pathetic physical condition of the people during that famine.

“Their visage (teeth) is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets; their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered; it is become like a stick

They that be slain with the sword are better than they that be slain with hunger; for these pine away, stricken through for the want of the fruits of the field.

The hands of the pitiful women have sodden (lacking in emotion towards) their own children; they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people.”


Wow. People were unrecognizable because they were skin and bones with rotting teeth and women began to see their children as a meal ticket—literally!. That’s rough to swallow especially if you are of the habit of reading the Bible not just from a historical perspective but as a warning of what’s to come as well.


Wanting some specific details of a person who actually endured a famine, I came across and account by the historian, Flavius Josephus (The Life and Work of Flavius Josephus). His account of the famine which struck Jerusalem in 70 A.D. as a result of the siege of Romans was nothing short of horrific to read. I was particularly struck by the account of how violent men were to one another all for a scrap of bread, even resorting to torture in which stakes were plunged into body cavities in an effort to entice the victim to reveal where they had hidden their scraps of food. What’s worse is that it was a no win situation. If the person denied they had no food, they were tortured, assuming that they just hadn’t been convinced sufficiently to reveal its hidden location, but if a person immediately gave up their food in an effort to save themselves from the horrific torture, they would still be tortured because it was assumed that if they gave up their food so quickly then they must have more hiding elsewhere. Those who managed to find food would close up their homes while they ate of it, only to raise the proverbial target on their home as the criminals interpreted a closed up home as being one in which someone was eating. Those whose health was deemed to be superior to others were tortured for their food, while those whose bodies were decaying were presumed to be sufficiently desperate to acquire food by all means and thus were still a target of the desperate criminals. To me, he most disturbing account conveyed by Josephus was that the invaders would lift up the children from the ground and reach into their throats to lay claim to the last morsel they might find for themselves. I was all to familiar with the emotion Josephus attempts to describe in that the robbers displayed the emotion as if they were entitled to the food that they would steal and that the victims were somehow stealing from them if they ate anything while the robbers were the least bit hungry. Sound familiar?  But even worse, he describes many instances in which the barbarians would conduct themselves as such even when they were NOT hungry in order to maintain the fear among the community of victims and likewise maintain their “skills” of intimidation and destruction.


Preparing for the possibility of a seven year famine certainly isn’t convenient, may feel very overwhelming, and some may say that it will make the crazies look that much more crazy, but when I consider how often the Bible refers to SEVEN years of famine in both an accounting of history and a prophesy of the future, I frankly don’t dare to shrug off such a warning. It’s interesting to note that even in the Mormon faith they were profusely commanded by several leaders over the span of decades to have 7 years of food provisions. While the church leaders have reduced the number of years that they now encourage their members to have on hand, they have NEVER claimed to have rescinded the counsel or override the counsel of a seven year supply. I also take into account that I won’t be the only one partaking of my supplies. It’s fathomable that dozens and dozens of family members and close friends may find themselves in dire straights and need my “excess.” I’m not talking about the folks who pride themselves on being idiots and whose only preparations involve a map of their neighbors’ homes so that they can loot and plunder. It’s conceivable that my family member who’s been preparing for many years could experience a fire or the damage of earthquake that would leave her in desperate need.


Like I’ve said previously, I’m all about believing in miracles, but I don’t think that the miracle of the loaves and the fishes would have occurred if NO ONE brought any fish or bread. As such, I keep my focus clear and frankly, it’s doubtful that I will ever feel like I have “enough.” I figure that if I do end up having sufficient to share then it’s His job to lead the right people to me and help me to defend myself against the wrong kind—even if that’s an overzealous DHS employee. Additionally, here’s another something I do know which helps to quell the feelings of being overwhelmed…if preparing for a seven year famine IS a viable plan that I’m supposed to follow, then I don’t have to do it all by my lonesome. I have experienced far too many times the generous hand of the Lord when I’m doing my best to be obedient with a limited number of resources. I find that so long as I’m doing my part to the uttermost senine, He always steps in with the rest.


You think a seven year famine is far fetched and that I’m officially loonier than those who jump into the Arctic Ocean butt naked? Well, I really only have one response to that.


“…Thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.


And the people to whom they prophesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword; and they shall have none to bury them, their wives, nor their sons, nor their daughters; for I will pour their wickedness upon them.”

–Jeremiah 14:15-16—see also verses 17-22)


Yeah, I think I’ll play it safe and gamble on the side of the Lord. And you?

Preparedness Pro

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MM · July 12, 2012 at 3:18 pm

Great article! I was actually just reading yesterday about a Russian Orthodox saint named St Juliana of Lazarevo. She lived during this period of famine. She was someone known for always giving food away to the poor. The story says that she had stopped having her household carry stores of food over from one year to the next. So they were very hard hit when the famine came. They resorted to making a sort of bread from pig weed and a type of elm bark.

Colleen · July 12, 2012 at 7:34 pm

Thank you for this. You’ve surely got me thinking. I agree with the fact that if we are doing our best to be obedient, God will intervene on our behalf. What I don’t understand, are those who claim to be Christians that are content to just sit back and do nothing because they believe if they stored up provisions it is somehow equal to not trusting in God to provide, and therefore a sin. It might be a good idea for those with this mind set to get out their Bible and read through the Old Testament. God does provide, but always requires action and obedience on our part. Again, thank you for such a thought provoking post.

    Kellene Bishop · July 12, 2012 at 11:08 pm

    I always have had a hard time understanding that one too, Colleen.

    Kevin · July 13, 2012 at 12:15 am

    Colleen – I address this exact issue at I invite you to read it as it may give you some tools when talking to people with that scriptural misunderstanding.

    God bless!! <

    jayjay · July 13, 2012 at 3:18 am

    This is always my response to those Christians:
    I Timothy 5:8….Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Jamie · July 12, 2012 at 10:15 pm

Darnit Kellene it would be a lot easier if I could write you off as loon but you have been proven right to often. I’ve always had in the back of my head that 7 years would be my ultimate goal for stored food.
The USDA has dfeclared nearly all states along southern border from Calif. – Fla. as far north as Utah a disaster are because of the drought. Last year was also a bad year because of drought and heat.
I finish up 400 gallons of water stored this month and a couple of items to make going without power a little easier and get some wheat, beans and more long term storage food.

    Deborah · July 13, 2012 at 12:37 pm

    Can you tell me how and where you store that much water? Thanks Deborah

      Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 9:40 pm

      I don’t think it’s possible to store that much water, frankly, so I focus strictly on a year’s worth and some technology and innovations for making the most of the water supplies I have and reusing it where possible. However, I do have several articles which discuss water storage, how much is vital for each person, and why. Just search “water storage” in the search bar or click on the red and yellow icon in the carousel that shows a drop of water.

countrygirl · July 12, 2012 at 11:02 pm

good article, I’ve had a bit of prepper burn out and this will help me get the next couple of buckets tucked away.

Kellene Bishop · July 12, 2012 at 11:08 pm

Ah, prepper burnout. Yup. I can relate to that. And when I get there, I just feed the spiritual and mental preparedness principles and get back on track.

Judy · July 12, 2012 at 11:25 pm

Let us not forget Joseph. He stored all excess food for 7 years in preparation for 7 lean years. It would interesting to know how many people were saved because of his obedience. The Lord has intervened for me many times when I had done all I could.
One thing (of many things) that concerns me about today’s attitude is fat in the diet. People died during WWII (and other times I’m sure) because they could not get any oil/fat to eat. I have more oil stored than anyone I know. They all think they do not need it because the nuts on TV tell them it is BAD. It is no wonder they cannot think for themselves. Their brains are starving.
Love your help!! God bless you!!

    Lujack Skylark · January 6, 2013 at 1:15 pm

    Joseph’s Seven year global famine (Genesis 41:57) now can be proven!


    Joseph lived for 110 years 1741-1631 B.C. (Genesis 50:26) Joseph age 30 (Genesis 41:40-46) became governor of Egypt in 1711 B.C. There was 7 years of great harvest and the second year of famine Joseph age 39 in 1702 B.C. met his father Jacob age 130 (Genesis 47:9) in Egypt. Global famine 1704-1697 B.C. (Genesis 41:1-57)

    (1) Jacob brought the starving Hebrew people into Egypt settling near Biblical On (Genesis 41:45) Heliopolis, Egypt in 1702 B.C.

    (2) Starving Hyksos Canaanite chieftain Sheshi lead his people into Avaris, Egypt trading their horses for bread (Genesis 47:13-17) in 1702 B.C. during the world famine. (Genesis 41:57)

    (3) Starving Minoans from Crete also settle in Egypt’s delta in 1700 B.C. Other Minoans migrate to mainland Greece in 1700 B.C. spreading their Minoan culture there.

    (4) Starving Indo-European Sealanders invade Amorite Babylon king Abi-Eshuh 1710-1684 B.C. settling in southern Babylonia in 1700 B.C. Abi-Eshuh dams up the Tigris river trying to starve the Sealanders out.

    (5) Starving Indo-European tribes invade Dravidan dominated India in 1700 B.C. Indo-Europeans destroy the Dravidan Mohenjo-Daro civilizatin in 1700 B.C.

    (6)Starving Indo-European tribes invade western China in 1700 B.C. Chinese archaelogist discovered Indo-European mummies in western China. The Indo-Europeans introduced the Chinese to the horse driven chariot. NOTE: Indo-European Kassites were first to use the horse driven chariot attacking Babylon in the reign of Amorite Babylon king Samsu-iluna 1750-1711 B.C. in his 9th year in 1741 B.C. NOTE: Joseph age 30 was given the Egyptian pharaoh’s 2nd chariot in 1711 B.C. (Genesis 41:43)

    (7) Chinese Shang Dynasty very early in the dynasty recorded a 7 year famine verifying Joseph’s account of the 7 year global famine in Egypt. (Genesis 41:57)

    (8) The American agricultural Indians establish the Poverty Point Mound Culture in Louisiana in 1700 B.C. building their first city in North America during the world famine.

    (9) Olmecs migrate into the Yucatan Peninsula in 1700 B.C. Archaeologist state the Olmecs invented plumbing and the Olmecs were interested in water conservtion at this time in world history.

    (10) Joseph’s account of the world famine (Genesis 41:57) is supported by archaelogy and the migrations of ancient people’s in 1700 B.C. Why not pass this information along to people who are interested in Biblical history.

      Tom · January 26, 2013 at 7:21 pm

      Archaeologist had discovered a marble tablet in Yemen revealing there was a seven year famine which they dated the tablet to the time Joseph lived. Chinese annals state Shang Dynasty emperor Cheng Tang (Ching Tang) in his beginning reign was struck with a seven year famine which can be dated to Joseph’s lifetime.

      Both Yemen and China confirm Genesis 41:30 and Genesis 41:57.
      (1) Prove Joseph was in Egypt (2) Prove there was a worldwide famine (3) Prove the Hebrews were in Egypt (4) It proves the Genesis account accurate.

Kellene Bishop · July 12, 2012 at 11:31 pm

I agree…lots of olive oil, coconut oil, butter, and nuts in this household–both kind you eat and the crazy kind. 🙂

    Wendy · July 13, 2012 at 5:20 am

    Kellene, question; in your experience how long will unopened olive oil store on the shelf? What about coconut oil? I’ve read sooooo many opinions it makes my head spin. I’d love to get your expert advise. Thanks, you keep me moving forward in my endevors to thrive not just survive.

      Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 5:26 am

      that depends on the quality of the oils and whether or not they are cold-pressed expelled. That’s what I look for on both my olive oil and my coconut oil. For taste purposes I also want the first press. Anyway, if you store it in cool, dry, dark conditions you should be able to push the viability to 6 to 8 years.

Donnella · July 13, 2012 at 12:10 am

Thank you Kellene, for a motivating AND faith-building article. So many Christians believe they will be raptured from the earth and eating the wedding supper of the Lamb before things get really bad. Sad to say, history and prophecy teach us to prepared, but many have studied neither. As stated in Hosea 4:6 – my people perish for a lack of knowledge.

Before reading this article, I could not even imagine storing that much food, water, and hygiene items. But as you said, we only need do our best and He will help with the rest.

    Nick · July 13, 2012 at 1:12 pm

    Amen, Donnella! I don’t want to hijack this thread with a theological discussion, but just as prepping will help us prepare for social and economic challenges, spiritual preparation will help us prepare for spiritual challenges, some of which may be major! Throughout history the Lord has called his people to prepare and serve in the midst of many severe trials, and we should prepare ourselves spiritually as if we will indeed go through the Great Tribulation rather than not preparing and realizing later that we should’ve prepared but didn’t.

Margie · July 13, 2012 at 1:24 am

Amen, Kellene. Colleen, I had people in my Bible study “sort of rolled their eyes” at me when I mentioned prepping. They are trusting in the Lord to meet their needs. Well, so am I and He is telling me to get ready by prepping. I just feel like my husband and I will need to feed a lot of people with His help. Like Judy said, uh, Joseph was a prepper! What if he ignored God, hmmm. Sometimes I wonder if He is talking to all of us and just some of us are listening. God Bless.

    Quiverfull4x · July 13, 2012 at 5:53 pm

    Wow, Margie! Our household has had the exact same reactions from other Christians! And like Kellene, we know He can/does bless and provide, but Herequires action on our part. Kellene, thanks for all you do. You are a blessing to us.

Gwynmarilyn · July 13, 2012 at 1:45 am

Depending on where you live in house or Apt. You can usual set some area up for glow lights and grow some food, will it be enough? I have no idea but to not try and prepare for growing food in your house would not be wise. Container gardening in small area with the lights they sell (buy extra if we are talk seven years.) could give you greens and tomatoes. Also you can grow sprouts and you can buy those seeds and keep them in freezer for years if they are package right. I know how I could store seven years worth food with Freeze-Dry but I do not have that kind of money. I have bought lights and even Arow-garden but it usual only good for few plants. I have add the glow lights to small area I could put plant in some old food containers I can bring in from out side. I would be able to the water as long as I have light.

Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 1:56 am

Sprouting does not require lots of light, as such one can still have fresh veggie/fruit nutrition without a garden plot.

Connie · July 13, 2012 at 2:25 am

Yep, yep, yep. Must fire up the dehydrator again…and purchase more wheat…and wash out those jugs/bottles and fill them with water…

I’ve been avoiding the dehydrator because sticking stuff in the freezer is just so much faster and easier, but I keep wondering if we’ll lose power here. If we do I’ll be kicking myself, and that’s rather counterproductive.

Great, great article! Thanks for the kick in the pants!

    Sammye · July 13, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    I would like to say thank you for all the info you give us Kellene. Our families think we are nutty too, but we keep on trying to put away food. I worry too about the loss of electricity/freezer.
    A couple of years ago, I read an article about oven canning/sealing. This is good only for dry foods. I will share with you if anyone is interested. Fill canning jars with cereal, oats, flour meal, and thing that is dry. Sit the jars in a cake pan so they don’t tip over so easily, put into a 200* oven for 1 hour. Take each jar out, put on a clean dry lid and set on a towel away from drafts. You will hear the ping of them sealing, and that is a wonderful sound. We dehydrate our canned veggies when they get close to the expiration dates and oven seal them too. Frozen veggies work too just dehydrate them first. They are wonderful esp. in soups.
    I have sealed, powdered milk, potatoes, all kinds of cereal, vanilla wafers, graham crackers, beans, peas, cake mixes, etc. anything dry you can do this way and it should last forever. Oh, yes and I just tried pop corn. It did not pop in the oven, and pops just fine Just don’t heat anything you want to use for seed keep those in a special place.
    Just read that the corn crop is being baled for hay since it has been so hot the corn is not making kernels.
    Thanks for listening and for all your helps

      Barbara Lee · March 16, 2013 at 1:40 am

      Thank you for the info! I never knew about the oven canning. This article really makes me know that I have a lot of work to do!

Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 2:31 am

Thanks for letting it be a kick in the pants. 🙂

Jennifer · July 13, 2012 at 3:26 am

Amen and Amen! I’m thanking God tonight for people like you who are stepping up to be leaders in this epic hour of human history…thank you so much for condensing your research for us! I’m amazed at how over the past few months I keep hearing the same things from diff sources, specifically about famine and Joseph. 
God is speaking to people about this, even non-Christians and they don’t even know it, but they’re taking action. This is the 2nd piece on famine I’ve run across today…..I have to believe that it’s not coincidence. Yes, it’s very hard to understand how someone can’t see what, to us, is so obvious. I’ve been encouraged and challenged tonight reading this, as well as all the comments.  I shall wake up tomorrow with new resolve to hasten my steps towards my prep goals! Thank you Kellene and everyone else here, God Bless!

debbie · July 13, 2012 at 3:29 am

thank you, kellene. i, too, having been having some burnout and needed a bit of encouragement. so many different things weighing on my mind lately w what is going on in the world, etc, i was getting stressed out trying to cover all the bases. yes, the lord will provide if you are faithful and doing as He guides. btw, never give up trying to convert family. some of mine is finally starting to see the light and that in itself is a huge weight off my shoulders. others are “those” christians that think i am in the wrong for doing it. they think it is a lack of faith and i have been told it was a sin. i still pray for for guidance-for them and me.

Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 3:34 am

Keep on keeping on, Debbie. One thing I do know, it’s ALL worth it. 🙂

Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 3:35 am

Thank YOU Jennifer and the rest of you…the more of us there are, the more people that will be aided and that’s what drives me every single day.

buni · July 13, 2012 at 4:03 am

Once again you have hit spot on. I am thrilled to have two years, but am starting to can meats, so I don’t have to worry so much about the freezer going out. I have studied you methods and following them. My hubby and I have a few things left to purchase but we buy six cans of freeze dried foods each month, I have a budget and stick to it. Now I am going to talk to hubby and see if we can’t buy more wheat, rice, and corn. We have lots of soy beans and tvp so I need to figure out menus to really determine the meals and what if anything we are lacking.

With a husband that is diabetic, I am very careful to make sure he has supplies, and with our doctor on board we are almost a year ahead on meds, and we purchased a fridge which will run on propane. We bought a propane tank and are filling it slowly, 1000gallons is alot at one time. So many things to do and like you if your spiritual life is right all else falls into place. I wonder if any of us will every be truly ready if the grid goes down and the drought continues. You are a jewel and your research is apprciated. May God continue to bless you and again thanks for all you do Buni

Jamie · July 13, 2012 at 4:12 am

I know Kellene has been doing this for many years., me about 3 years as I have often said I did everything in the wrong order for Kellene’s “10 steps of preparedness”. but I’ve had time to learn and I’m more motivated today than when I first started. I have my own little slant on preparing on the cheap as well as being disabled. But it’s so exciting to add new skills, trying new recipes, to write about what I’ve learned on my little Blog and know I have helped people.
I’m sure I’d have never got all the water stored that I truly needed if it hadn’t been for Kellene and her little water challenge. A gallon of water a day may keep you from dying but it’s no way to live!

Wendy · July 13, 2012 at 5:30 am

I have tried for years to get my mother and sisters to think/prepare and suddenly this week I got a call: “Honey, I’ve been watching the news and it got me thinking, what would I take if I only had 5 or 10 minutes to evacuate my home like those poor folks in the Colorado’s fires. Can you help me?” She’s in Florida, I’m in Wyoming and the fires out here made her think, not Katrina, not hurricanes but the fires in Colorado. Thank God, he finally opened her eyes. Now I need to ease her into storing supplies “just in case” she has to survive in-place too. She reads the Bible, has all her life, why did it take until she turned 70 to “get-it”? Oh well better late than never and now we have so much more to talk about every week. 🙂

    Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 5:50 am

    “When the student is ready the Teacher will appear.” 🙂

    Jan · August 30, 2012 at 6:27 pm

    A couple of years ago, I was living in a small community on the northern California Coast in the King Mountain Range which had only one road in and out. The community had about 500 homes and about half were used for vacation homes.

    This community had its own generator for the town, its own water wells and storage tanks, ham radio communication Walkie Talkies and a train container filled with medical supplies and emergency equipment. It had its own fire department, ambulance and trained medics and fire fighters. We had plans in place for communication through an automatic phone calling system, phone trees, email messaging and even had assigned people to be responsible for those needing assistance getting out of their homes (wheel chair and walker folks). Our four restaurants in town were asked how many people they could cook for in an emergency. In case of fire there was a airplane landing strip away from forest and in case of tsunami there was a large parking area and clubhouse at about the 300ft. elevation. We also had a trained CERT team and many trained through the Office of Emergency Prep. We were prepared!

    So when a fire began, started by lightning, everyone was ready.
    This was the year that there were 400 fires in California all at the same time. We were fortunate to have received help from firefighters from large metropolitan areas who came to our community ahead of advancing fires. They inspected the exterior of every house, deciding which ones they could possibly save (many were surrounded by vegetation- those were basically written off) and they checked water pressure in fire hydrants, etc.

    The community was very grateful to these wonderful firemen and wanted to show appreciation by feeding them meals and providing snacks. It was interesting to note that those of use who thought we had lots of food storage discovered that very quickly those supplies diminished. It was a real eye-opener.

    You can never have enough food storage and there are so many aspects of preparedness that it’s somewhat overwhelming. But if we make the effort to consistently move toward that goal, we will be fine.

    My emphasis is always on food and water and toilet paper (a REAL commodity in an emergency).
    Those who are on medications need to learn what they can do with herbs should they not have access to meds. Dried herbs are easily stored. For diabetics, trying to live on starches (wheat, beans and rice) is deadly. Canned fruits (unsweetened) and meats and veggies are a must.

    There’s a lot to learn. Unfortunately, I now live in a town that if full of complacent people because we’re not susceptible to floods, earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes. BUT what would be devastating would be the drought spoken of in earlier blogs. We are a farming community. And drought would destroy us.

    Having sprouting jars and sprouting seeds is crucial and very easy. Purchasing a clay filtering system (non-electric) for water is best (you can use swimming pool water if necessary- which are plentiful in desert areas). These systems are used in 3rd world countries to purify water.

    Store what you actually eat. If you’re not moving through and rotating food, you’re probably storing the wrong stuff. I know I realized last week that I had too many cans of beans – we just don’t eat them that often. I think I will try canning some – I think I’d be more likely to use them if I didn’t have to soak and cook them first (which also uses lots of water).

    I appreciate this blog and look forward to more conversation and ideas.

      Kellene Bishop · August 30, 2012 at 6:40 pm

      Jan, might I suggest that you review the Ten Principles of Preparedness. I’m certain that it will help you in putting the proper emphasis on the proper things so that you don’t find yourself vulnerable in other key areas of self-sufficiency. Sounds like you’ve got a great asset in food and water, however, keep in mind there are 7 other aspects of Preparedness that will confront you in a crisis before you get to those principles. Just put in “Ten Principles of Preparedness” in the search bar with the quotation marks. 🙂

Lynn · July 13, 2012 at 7:21 am

So that’s what they call it….”Preppers’ Burnout”. Man am I ever motivated to keep on going now. Thank YOU SO MUCH for all the research you do and share with others. I love all the comments on here too. Feels good knowing there are many wanting to be prepared and doing whatever they can to do it. Very inspirational! Thank you Kellene!

Deborah · July 13, 2012 at 12:40 pm

Can you tell me someone do I need to boil the water before I put it in cleaned jugs? And we have a spring can I boil that and put it in cleaned jugs/

    Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 9:46 pm

    Deborah, I focus on filtration when I’m using the water. There aren’t any everyday types of scenarios in which I’d filter the water before storing it.

lilly merx · July 13, 2012 at 1:07 pm

WOW, thank you, what to do…what to do…I’ll just continue to do the best I can for family and friends. Next week devoted to canning fruits.

    Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 9:59 pm

    Sounds like a perfect plan, Lilly.

Carrie · July 13, 2012 at 2:14 pm

Thank you! I’m so thankful you talked about “7 years”. It makes so much more sense than concentrating on one year prep. I sometimes get so overwhelmed with everything I need to store for a family of four. Then a thought will come to me and it’s almost as if God is nudging me to just keep going forward step by step. I believe that when God has a plan He wants you to follow, He doesn’t leave you alone until you listen and follow! No matter who laughs I believe you will have peace of mind if you listen instead of arguing with what He is telling you to do.

james peless · July 13, 2012 at 3:08 pm

Great article, Kellene……this is the Kellene I know and love writing topics like this that can literally save lives…….thanks for taking the time to research and write this article – it will go out to all I know……

Linda Davis · July 13, 2012 at 3:44 pm

I read recently that in the worst conditions, a person can survive if they have clean water, beans, cornmeal,lard (fat), salt. During and just after the depression, my husband’s mom cooked a pot of pinto beans every other day for her family. They ate biscuits or cornbread, meat from their hogs or chickens and vegetables from their garden. The staple was beans, though.

Stephanie · July 13, 2012 at 4:00 pm

We, in the West are having a heat wave as we “speak” and I am noticing in my very large garden how often I have to water the veggies. The corn is pitiful and I will have to buy corn this year. Lucky for me it’s normally about 8 for a buck at the local fruit stand. I will buy twice as much for canning/dehydration this year as we were told by our son that he and his family have decided that if anything happens they are coming to our place. I’m glad he let us know finally. So there are 5 of them, all portly I might add and they don’t prep. Why? Because he said if they are fat and everyone around them is losing weight during an “event” then they would be targeted. I told him to start prepping or go somewhere else. He said what are you going to do if 30 people raid yourplace with guns to take your stuff? That has me thinking on security issues. Since I live in a remote area but in a very small community of people with one road in and one road out I thing we can as a small community band together and work it out. I have only one neighbor who is of the view that God will provide for us and doesn’t prep. She has horses and chickens so she might yet be prepping and not know it….

saundra · July 13, 2012 at 4:04 pm

Thank you so much Kellene. I have been very discouraged in my prepping since I lost my job in April. I haven’t been prepping long (1 year) but was really getting a good stock pile using my coupons, but when I lost my job that had to be cut way back. My husband is retired so we are now living on a fixed income. He is not a whole-hearted prepper, but he is coming around a little. Anywho, I have been going through my storage and just really got down in the dumps about it and this article is really what I needed to get me motivated. We have depleted quite a bit of my storage since I lost my job and I think thats what has got me down. I have never canned anything, and am a little intimidated by it, but I do have a dehydrator and a small garden so I have started dehydrating a lot of things. Well I didn’t need to go into all that but when the gate was opened it just all came out. Thanks again Kellene. I am now ready to do what I can. Even if I won’t be prepared as you or many others I will be more prepared than most. God bless you. You listen to God speaking and follow through and in doing so drag some of the rest of us with you.

joe farmer · July 13, 2012 at 5:04 pm

Great job Kallene!
I am excited to find others with the same mindset. I started working on this preparedness idea about a year ago. It is really difficult to do. Of the necessities, food, water, water filtration and purification plan, how to store, where to store, how to protect, and so much required for seven years ~~~ it’s mind boggeling. Education alone is an enormous task. It seems we need a master plan to make it easier to follow. Preparation isn’t something you can do in a hurry. It takes a lot of time and effort. Also, realize that those criminals you mentioned torturing others for their food don’t necessarily come from those we call the criminals of today. They will come from the ranks of those with the power and weapons living amongst us today. They are police and govt. officials with the power of control over us today but tomorrow, many of them will be the torturers because they are already set up for control over the populations. I’m not saying this to frighten anyone but just to awake folks to the fact that whom you trust today may not be those you can trust tomorrow so as you prepare, play your cards close to your vest.

    Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 9:57 pm

    Sounds like you have come to understand that self-reliance/preparedness isn’t a movement, opinion, fad, or destination. It’s a mindset and a lifestyle.
    those criminals, as you call them, will come from those we consider to be our friends previously, unfortunately. Look at how many Jews found their family torn apart, tortured and killed as a result of a fellow Jew, neighbor, and friend turning them over to the Gestapo in exchange for one extra meal.

Gary · July 13, 2012 at 5:05 pm

Once again I’d like to mention aquaponics as a means of growing both fish and vegetables in a small space. It takes only one tenth of the water that a regular garden needs.

As for my regular garden, my experience dictates that i plant three times as much as I think I’ll need. That usually takes care of the insects and gophers and diseases, and where I live and garden we run into a lot of theft issues. People just think they can help themselves. When people are really starving, garden theft may be a serious problem.

I might suggest growing crops not generally recognized as food, such as amaranth & quinoa which just look like big flowers. No one ever steals my flowers. Nor do they disturb my potato plants, cause they just don’t recognize them as something edible (the food’s underground, out of sight). Man is the most cunning and devious of all creatures. Your survival, particularly in a famine, may depend on how well you can outsmart the other guy to protect your own resources.

Sarah W. · July 13, 2012 at 5:08 pm

My husband and I surprisingly got the coll to prepare over two years ago BEFORE we even came to Torah? How crazy is that? We are now well prepared and will hopefully be sustained until we’re called out into the wilderness. Blessings and Shalom,

Joan · July 13, 2012 at 7:18 pm

I’ve followed your blog and am in complete agreement with all your views. I wanted to begin prepping about a year ago, and kept getting the ‘message’ to do it. God surely tells us what to do if we listen. At the time, I didn’t have the money but in thinking about it so much I was becoming mentally prepared. Then, all at one time, we got a good tax refund and an extra thousand as overage in an escrow account. We immediately spent a good portion on prepping food, water supplies, health care, etc. I’m sure you have talked about the Sun Ovens. That was part of our prepping and I’m going to get a second one. I found that in a 4-5 hour time with one oven, I can cook a whole chicken and put a rice or veggie dish, or both, in to complete the meal. I also have spring fed water and will get a WAPI to help make water safe. With 2 ovens, I can cook for at least 2-3 days at a time to avoid the cloudy days. We had added a generator big enough to run refers and freezers for a few hours a day. This article puts me back into the ‘GO’ mode again.
The Gro lights are a good idea as we have a large basement. I pick up a lot of good ideas from your blog. Most of my family thinks I’m a little overboard, but our friends up here – the mountains of NC – are way ahead of us. All grow and can food and are extremely well armed.
Someone mentioned security and we looked to that as well. I’m 75 years old, never interested in guns, but I am now. I got a concealed carry license and the gun to go with it. And practice often. I don’t think any Christian thinks using a gun is a way of life to have, but I’m sure if someone threatened any one of us, I could certainly use that gun. We even went so far as to get a German Shepherd puppy who at 4 mo. is showing all the protective signs we want to see. I’m hoping God will help me feed it.
Anyway, thanks again to all the valuable posts you put out. And for the readers with their good thoughts and ideas

    Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 9:55 pm

    I love, love, love my solar ovens. By the way, if you chase the sun every half hour to maintain a temperature of 350 to 375, you won’t have to cook it that long. You can do it in an hour easily.

    Thanks for sharing your comments and experiences. They keep ME in “GO” mode.

Darlene · July 13, 2012 at 8:37 pm

Excellent article! God told me through prophecy 30 years ago that “You will be a Joseph”. I pondered that over the years, not grasping the whole concept until a couple of years ago. Since 2007, I’ve been creating an eco-system here on our little five-acres. Dairy goats, chickens, hogs for the freezer, organic gardening, and a stocked fishing pond. I’ve been drawn back to the “old ways” of doing things and am enjoying every minute of it! Just this year, I’ve added creating a food pantry of long-term shelf life items including grains, sugar, salt, green coffee beans, etc…….I can, dehydrate, and freeze food I’ve grown. It’s a wonderfully satisfying life. My concern is for all those I know and love who don’t see the need to prepare. I awake in the night, thinking about what else I can do to be ready to provide for our very large family. They do think I’ve lost my mind, but I just keep planning, prepping, and praying! The Lord by His Spirit keeps prodding me to get ready….Blessings to all….!

    Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 9:52 pm

    I’m glad your response to the promptings has been to push forward. Keep your focus and drive and don’t be distracted by things and people you can’t help or change because if you do, it could very literally have a life-changing effect on other people.

Sue · July 13, 2012 at 9:27 pm

I have to put a plug in for John Wesley Rawles books on survival. Two are novels but give great examples of prepping and “hairly” situations and how they are solved. I too have a little burnout, but keep plugging along as I think things are getting worse by the minute.

Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 10:19 pm

And be sure to check out “Alas, Babylon” too–my personal favorite.

    dee · July 23, 2012 at 6:41 pm

    My all time favorite, too, besides “Lucifer’s Hammer”.

Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 10:22 pm

And All-American Canner will help you get past the intimidation of canning. You’ll fall in love with canning for sure. You can also do some canning of some dry foods in the oven and you can also can foods in a solar oven. I do a lot of “canning” of dry goods that have oils in them or that I don’t want to dry out via my FoodSaver. Love it.

Keep your chin up and your focus sharp. All WILL be well if you do so. *hugs*

Kellene Bishop · July 13, 2012 at 10:23 pm

P.S. you can find the All American on Craiglst, used on e-bay, or used in your local classifieds or even used on Amazon too. Keep your eyes out for it.

Deborah · July 14, 2012 at 3:13 am

Sammye, I would love to get how you do this..I have never heard of it before and it really interests me…

Deborah · July 14, 2012 at 3:30 am

Kellene, Thanks for the info to my questions. There are a lot of things that my husband and I are planning. I have started to prep for awhile now. My daughter thinks I am a little nutty as well…But at least I will be preppered and also be able to help her and the rest of the family and my close friends that live near us and they prep also..We have different strong suits and that helps all of us that live near us. We live on 10 acres and within 2 yrs we will have all we need to survive on our own if needed…Thanks for your help both practical and spiritual. You are an inspriation to all of us.

Glyn · July 14, 2012 at 4:55 am

I just picked up a excellent excalibre food dehydrator and I have been dehydrating anything I can and storing it in mason jars with oxygen absorbers. I know you can dehydrate different meats, does anyone know if you just cook it, slice it up and dehydrate it? Or is there something special you have to do to dehydrate meats for long term storage?

    Nick · July 16, 2012 at 10:04 am

    Glyn, that should be sufficient provided that you also trim all visible fat from the meats. Before dehydrating the meats, though, you want the pieces to be as small as possible so that they will dehydrate quickly and thoroughly.

Mike · July 14, 2012 at 12:52 pm

This has been the main driving point for me for the last 2 years. “What if?” I have approached everything with regards to figuring out a way to do it again without electricity. I have a solar oven, which acts as a dehydrator with the door cracked a bit. I still have a dehydrator inside being used on the cloudy days.

We have our selection of beans, and just went and picked up a few more bags.

Garden is booming, and we save seeds from everything. You just never know.

Good article and keep up the good work.

Katherin Keegan · July 15, 2012 at 7:08 am

As I have mentioned on several sites, I am new to prepping and only my mother shares the ‘be prepared’ motto. (We both have been in Girl Scouts for years). I don’t have a job and my husband’s pay was cut by 15% about 3 years ago. My husband has told me he will not give up any ‘extras’ now to prepare for the future. I have read about the different techniques like using large soda bottles to store water in because the plastic is thicker and it is easier for a person to carry their own water should the need arise. With a world-wide depression looming, I am reminded that it has been predicted that the next big war we get involved in will be over water and the lack there of. People have been conditioned to trust the government and all will be well – NOT. I know I won’t have as much food stored as needed but I will have more than most of my neighbors. I also have camping equipment as well. Since I live in California, and live within 1/2 mile from a fault line it is difficult to find a place that will be there with my supplies when needed. I will continue prepping especially after reading inspiring posts like yours. Keep up the good work and God Bless You.

Todd · July 15, 2012 at 12:30 pm

A sobering post, Kellene, so thank you. This comment may be little off topic, but you might appreciate it, with the comments about food lost. I live in Virginia and we got hit by the storm and power outage. It was a fortuitous wake-up call. I was at work when my family was trying to deal with rainwater flowing into our dark basement because the window-well sump pump also had no power. We bought a Humless Sentinel last year, and I told them to use it. However it was showing no charge. I forgot that there was a KEY that was needed to turn it on. My failure resulted in my family needing to clean up more water than they should have. At home the next morning I realized my error, and we were able to use the Sentinel to run our and our neighbor’s refrigerators (3 units) for about 45 minutes each, plus a few other comfort items. (It initially showed a full charge after ~6 months of storage.) And we still showed half a charge after all that. It was good to have it, and even better to use it under stress.

    Kellene Bishop · July 15, 2012 at 9:04 pm

    So glad to hear that things turned out well for you and that those items you relied upon were there when you needed it! *high five*, Todd.

Karen · July 16, 2012 at 5:21 am

Kellene, I’m very appreciative of all that went into the writing of this post-thank-you!

Penny Pincher · July 16, 2012 at 6:33 pm

Just put a few drops of bleach in it per gallon, if it’s tap or well water. If it’s from a rain barrel or a pond or something you’ll want to filter and boil it first, then store it with a little bleach. Potassium permanganate works too to kill nasties in water.

Penny Pincher · July 16, 2012 at 6:35 pm

Train some sweet potatoes up a trellis and add silk morning glories among them. LOL

Renee · July 17, 2012 at 4:36 am

This kind of dry canning works for nuts too, which is awesome, because to plant my own nut trees and wait a decade or more for them to mature is just not in the cards!

    Kellene Bishop · July 17, 2012 at 5:05 am

    Actually, I strongly advise against using the oven canning aka dry canning method for nuts. It will heat up the oils and that’s all they need to go rancid. It’s critical to keep nuts cool and dry.

William · July 17, 2012 at 12:31 pm

There are more options than just freeze dried foods for storage. Canned chili and veggies from the grocery store are good for years. Granted the sodium content and preservatives are there but it is still cheap and affordable food for storage. I use freeze dried, home canned, military MREs, grow my own, store bought and any other method I can find for food storage. Barely six months worth so far but am adding to my stash constantly. Cases of store bought Chili, Spaghetti, Spam, etc are cheap when compaired to freeze dried in my experience.

Kellene Bishop · July 17, 2012 at 6:36 pm

Freeze-dried entrees are definitely too expensive in my opinion, however, freeze-dried produce is not if you do the cost comparison and that doesn’t even take into consideration the other benefits you get from freeze-dried–cleaner food, convenience, nutritional content, requires less water than dehydrated foods, and tastes a heck of a lot better than some of the canned stuff. I use the freeze-dried produce to stabilize my food dollars.

    Becky · August 11, 2012 at 4:51 am

    Kellene: Took your advice and others, try out the products you purchase, see if you will like the taste of the food. Experiment before you are put into a situation where you have no choice in the matter. For me it was potatoe gems, read the instructions thought “no problem” just like making instant potatoes….boy, did I get a quick lesson. I almost had cement potatoes in the pot, who knew they could absorb the liquid so quickly. I was able to save them and make smooth mashed potatoes. They were delishes for a person who is not a big fan of mashed potatoes(me), and my husband loved them. As for price it is actually less expensive to make these than buy store brand instant potatoes.
    Afterwards I told my husband that I thought he would have to use a shovel(or pick axe) to get his potatoes out to of the pot for dinner. We laughed, but I learned a lesson. On days we shop, if we are in the store that carries them locally I pick up an extra can.

Cindy Irene · July 20, 2012 at 9:02 pm

Wow, just WOW. Wonderful article my husband emailed me. For quite a few months I have poo-pooed these ideas of preparedness. “It’s a fad”, I’d say….”TV Shows are making money off of it, and so is Cabelas”…..but being a Christian your article has made me realize that you just never know, but what I do know, is the Lord is always right. Thank you for sharing your words, this will help a lot of people like myself, to start to be serious about our future.

sonya mcnorton · August 12, 2012 at 7:14 am

I just purchased a 1000 gallon water storage tank. for $469. Yes Its big but not to big, I dug a hole by hand and buried it 4 feet down in 5 1/2 hrs. Get a strong man or a backhoe and it will take a lot less. I will buy another one when I save up again. They will deliver it and drop it in the hole for you.

bren · November 13, 2012 at 2:47 am

Heard the call to learn to live off the land in 1989. Been following what I believe to be the Lord’s leading/personal guidance and training since. Learned loads along the way. Enjoy reading your material, via here and FB.

Have a question: Please tell me, is there a way for us to check and correct our pressure gauge on our own Canner, in an emergency (other than an outside source, say IF the country extension is not available)? If not, do you have extra gauges stored?

Tom · February 21, 2013 at 4:12 pm

Is the tribulation getting closer? The Four Moons all Reveal Major Conflicts Against Israel.

Israel became a nation reborn on May 14, 1948 (Ezekiel 36:24)

Four red moons followed. (1) April 13, 1949 Passover blood red moon (2)October 7, 1949 Sukkot blood red moon (3)April 2, 1950 Passover blood red moon (4)September 26, 1950 blood red moon.

June 6 Day War in 1967. (1)April 24, 1967 Passover blood red moon (2) October 18, 1967 Sukkot blood red moon(3)April 13, 1968 Passover blood red moon (4)October 6, 1968 Sukkot blood red moon. (One red moon before the 6 Day War followed by three more red moons)

What will happen in 2013 since Four blood red moons will follow? OR will April 15,2014 pass with one red moon like what happened in the Six Day War followed by three red moons meaning the Sunni Arabs will go to war against Israel sometime after April 15,2014 and before October 8,2014?

(1)April 15,2014 Passover blood red moon (2)October 8,2014 Sukkot blood red moon (3)April 4,2015 Passover blood red moon (4)September 28,2015 Sukkot blood red moon.

Will 2013 A.D. be the year when Israel crushes the Sunni Arab terrorists living along all her borders in fulfillment of the Psalms 83 prophecy? Or will this prophecy fulfillment take place after April 2014 & before October 8,2014?

Syrian president Assad has told his generals should he die he wants his generals to launch their rockets upon Israel’s cities. Should the Syrian commanders follow Assad’s advice Damascus will be destroyed (Isaiah 17:1) in one night. (Isaiah 17:14)

God used the sun to help Joshua destroy Israel’s ancient enemies. (Joshua 10:12-14) Today, God uses the four red moons to warn the Israelites their enemies plans of attack.

Charlene · May 16, 2013 at 12:41 am

Thanks for this post re the seven years. As I am LDS, I have often asked folks about the seven year recommendation being rescinded and never got a good answer. I have felt that seven years would be my ultimate goal. However, three years ago we felt impressed to purchase a double-wide on 40 acres in rural America and I’ve found that my food preps have suffered some as other costs/preparations have snuck in, i.e. chickens, fencing, new garden beds, etc. The house is as full as I can get it re food storage at this time and I’d venture to say we have two years. Until we can build a new home here, we just don’t have the space. When I say we are full, I mean lining the walls in the living room, all the bedrooms, under/behind beds, under bookcases, behind books… everywhere! My true goal still remains at seven years, but our housing situation will have to upgrade first. Thanks for reaffirming this goal for me.

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