Being Prepared is a Part of Life

I think being prepared is part of life.

You pack for a trip, you anticipate the things you will need and you acquire them before they are needed.  It's a way of life, a way of being responsible for yourself and your family.  It's about planning for the future just like you would put money into a 401K.  Sure you may not need it but if you do it's there.  You wouldn't go to the gas station and get just enough gas to get home so I think preparedness should be viewed in the same way. 

My family and I are nowhere near as prepared as I would like to be but we are as prepared as our budget right now allows and we are by far more prepared for the unexpected than we have been in the past.  It's comforting to know if we can't make a trip to the store for some reason or an unexpected expenses comes up, it won't mean our next meal will be at stake or we won't have some pool of resources to pull from.

It's also made us more self sufficient.

We don't have to depend on others for everything.  We can stand on our own two feet and even offer help to others.

We don't have to call a plumber or a mechanic and we know where our food came from and what is in it.

We are protecting our health and well being and providing security for our family in a form other than monetary.

Money will buy a lot of things when what you're looking for is on sale.  The things we have learned to value are things money can't buy.  Our family can stand on our own feet now and even help others to do so.


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This is my favorite of many. Reading these makes me feel that these are the kind of people I want to know and hang out good times as well as bad.

My 2nd vote. Kellene, I hope that you will keep all of the entries available for us to read again and pass on.


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