
The Foreclosure Crisis and What It Means to You—Part I

ForeclosureOk Folks. Sorry, but it’s that time again. Yes, I’m going to address another component of Financial Preparedness today. For those who feel that the topic of Financial Preparedness is about a dry as a bag of 100 year old beans, I apologize. I truly do try to restrain myself so that you aren’t too bored. But in the case of today’s article, there was simply too much that was too obvious (and somewhat alarming) to me, that I couldn’t hold back from trying to educate on this one.

A Wet Year for Crops—What It Means to You

[caption id="attachment_3001" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Iowa farm with seven inches of snow in October"]crops[/caption]

Ok folks. Here’s some more info on food shortage—it’s going to be a wet year for crops. I keep getting flack for putting food shortage information out there and have been called a fear monger and irresponsible journalist. But the fact of the matter is, we do need to be aware of these kinds of things so that we can knowledgably address our preparedness needs.