Breaking News: Good-bye “Affordable” Solar Panels

solar panelsI suppose there’s a little something wrong with calling the present solar panels on the market “affordable” but by comparison to what’s on the horizon, they will look like dollar store deals.

This morning I received an e-mail from one of my readers. She had forwarded an e-mail to me which she had received. The e-mail is from a company that I’m familiar with, In the e-mail the company explains that even though they placed an order from China for solar panels LONG before the May 20th Tariff, they would be subjected to a new tariff which amounts to over 249 percent! No, that’s not a typo. Two-hundred and forty nine point ninety-eight percent to be exact. Their order was $18,000 but the tariff would add an EXTRA $44,000 to the bill and as such, they are unable to pick up their solar panels from the Los Angeles Port.

DIY Home Solar System

By Guest Author: Scott Bishop

Want a solar system big enough to do the work, without having to drop a mint all at once? Yes, they really do exist. Today’s article is brought to you by Scott Bishop, the better half of Kellene–The Preparedness Pro. While the article is lengthier than most, there really wasn’t a good “break” point. Besides, I’ve also got to include a follow-up piece on how to assemble the solar panels. Enjoy!


My homemade version of a solar electricity system for alternative and backup power

Let There Be Light—Safely

Last year about this time I recommended that all of our readers try a 48 hour experience in which they only used non-electrical sources for light for 48 hours.  For those who did the experiment they discovered the hard way that what they had planned on for lighting didn’t exactly provide a suitable amount. Others found that the term “100 hours” is obviously broadly interpreted in the market.  Still others found themselves a bit frustrated with the lack of mobility of light—something that we rarely take into consideration when we’re forced to use flashlights and candles everywhere we go in our homes.  However, when I did this experiment I also realized some of these same inconveniences for myself when it came to needing alternative sources of light, but there was a problem revealed during my experiment that really gnawed at me for months.  The problem was the serious compromise to the safety of my home as a result of needing to use  candles,  kerosene lanterns, and even flashlights. 

DIY Solar Oven

Today I’m going to give you an easy way to cook in a do-it-yourself solar oven. Understand that I do so only in the name of independence as circumstances may prevent you from having access to a commercially made solar oven. However, if I had a choice between using my own homemade solar oven and a commercial one, I would go commercial any time. Why? Because the commercial solar ovens I recommend are specifically made to handle rugged third world conditions. They are intended for cooking everyday for a number of years (5-15, depending on which model you get). The DIY solar ovens are not likely to last that long, be as sturdy, or handle as much volume as a solar oven you may purchase commercially.

Solar Oven Confessions

[caption id="attachment_1529" align="alignright" width="239" caption="I'm a Daring Cook!"]I'm a Daring Cook![/caption]

My confession is not that I’m a good cook. The confession is that I’m a bit daring in my cooking, in that I’m not afraid to try new things and new recipes. I can usually read through a recipe and determine whether or not it will be good, and even what to add or subtract from it prior to making it. In the past I’ve even ventured to cook things on the fly, even when it was for a large gathering. I started this somewhat dangerous habit on the menu of a girlfriend’s wedding reception over 12 years ago. I still remember how amazingly well

The Solar Oven Challenge

Today I happened upon an individual who, as of July 1, has commited to cook with her solar oven each sunny day for an entire year.  The Solar Oven Chef, as she calls herself, posts images of meals she’s prepared each day in her solar oven.  She has prepared everything from ribs to bread to pizza and meatloaf — excellent variety!  By the end of the Solar Oven Chef’s one year experiment, preparing meals in her solar oven will be second nature. solar-oven-chef-cakesolar-oven-chef-pizzasolar-oven-roasted-chicken-vegetables

Behold, the Solar Oven!

 Photo by Julia Kalloz

Hundreds, if not thousands of dollars are regularly spent by Americans on gadgets and gizmos to make their cooking experiences taste better.  Smokers, cedar planks, fancy grills, kitchen appliances, turkey fryers and more are all acquired with the intent to produce that ideal mouth-watering meal.  Given my love of cooking, it’s no wonder my friends constantly accuse me of having every kitchen gadget known to man—er… woman.  So it’s no surprise that I recently acquired yet another gadget, only to discover that not only did it produce the most amazing taste in foods I’ve prepared otherwise, but it was also ideal to use in the event of emergency survival.  No water.  No messy clean up.  No worries of scorching or burning.  No constant monitoring.  And no fuel of any kind is required.  The solar oven is now officially my new cooking nirvana.