Ten Principles of Preparedness: #6 Fuel

Yes, I’m an airhead sometimes.  There have been times in which our power has gone out and so I tell myself “Oh well. Since the power’s out I might as well watch some television to pass the time until it comes back on.”  Yup. True story. And it gets worse from there sometimes. *grimace*  I’m clearly guilty of taking power for granted. As such, I’ve had to really focus on the various ways I need to be independent for my environmental control, cooking, lights, and other power needs. The stark reality is, our power and fuel supply is a very volatile system and can crumble to a halt with the slightest bit of provocation.  What most people don’t realize is that such an interruption is possible well beyond a few days, or weeks. It’s actually possible that we could lose our luxury of on-demand fuel and power for months and even years. So, what do we need to do now to suitably prepare for such a scenario? (more…)

Pandemic or Not, It Doesn’t Matter

[caption id="attachment_1805" align="alignright" width="212" caption="Pandemic or not, the time to prepare is now. Photo c/o ehow.com/"]Pandemic or not, the time to prepare is now. Photo c/o ehow.com/[/caption]

A lot of folks are e-mailing me or commenting that they don’t buy into all of this “hoopla” about the Swine Flu. My response is that it doesn’t matter whether or not the Swine flu amounts to anything at this moment, you STILL need to prepare for it. The point is that you should be preparing for the Swine Flu, Avian Flu, or Alien flu (yes, I made that up) the same way that you prepare for any other “disaster.” The only significance of the Swine Flu is the matter of timing. Due to the flu season and school starting back up, we MAY be looking at an imminent pandemic threat very soon. The fact of the matter is