Old-Fashioned Christmas Recipes

When Christmas time rolls around I’m instinctively drawn to some of the more old-fashioned Christmases in the form of decorations, recipes, enjoyable traditions, etc.  While I love the modern conveniences of today as much as the next person, for some reason the more old-fashioned approach to Christmas just lifts my spirits. So in the spirit of Christmas I thought I’d share with you 3 of my best recipes that I love to use at this time of year. I learn these kinds of recipes from historical records, journals, and family recipes which have been passed down for generations, as well as from some great books I always seem to find in the “For sale” section of my library each month.

Get Out of Dodge–“Urban Survival”

I was once asked to teach more about urban survival “because all anyone ever says is that you have to get out of the city when disaster strikes.” I also came across a radio show host who ostensibly discusses urban survival every week on her show. Well, I hope she’s got a very creative mind because if I were to address “urban survival” it would last about one hour, because frankly, there’s no such thing as urban survival folks. When it comes to dealing with a bona fide disaster, you need to get out of the city, plain and simple. This means that there’s a reason why you “only hear instructions to get out of the city when disaster strikes assuming you expect to last longer than a couple of weeks, at best. The problem, though, is that the longer you wait to get out of the city, the more dangerous your exit will be and the more problems will confront you as well.

A Practical Perspective on Gold and Silver

Last Wednesday our Self-Reliance Revolution Radio Show was based on the numerous reasons and evidences that I felt a financial collapse was imminent and what we can do to insulate ourselves from it. (To be forthright, the solutions were rushed at the end due to the fact that I ran out of time—which I always seem to do when I really prepare and research a particular topic. *Sigh* Maybe one of these days I’ll get this whole timing thing down.) Anyway, I’ve received literally hundreds of e-mails since that show, and have been asked for clarification as to why I believe investing in gold and silver is NOT a viable solution right now.  So, since I didn’t really get to do the subject justice on the show, I thought I’d take a little bit more time here and address it.

Preparedness–Your Personal “Source Code” Scenario

When a government plan is passed that I feel vehemently opposed to; when I hear of the levels of radiation in California water being more than 18 THOUSAND percent higher than acceptable standards; when I feel the intense squeeze on my finances as the cost of gasoline and essential grocery items skyrocket; when I’m confronted by the ludicrous foolishness of my fellowmen; or when a 12 year old girl is told for the 4th time that her Leukemia has returned–it’s so tempting to feel beaten and completely helpless—unable to do anything to fix it or to change it.  Unfortunately, that mental “beat down” feeling is the worst response to the unpleasant happenings in our world, and certainly one of the least helpful. But such a response is common place today. It’s my belief that such is the case because most people don’t have a positive and helpful way to absorb all of the mess in their surroundings so they turn to voices and vices which may yell louder and distract from the appalling realities that we find ourselves surround by.

Breaking News: Meltdown taking place right now in one of the reactors in Japan

More info posted on our group site on Facebook folks.

Breaking news right now. Two nuclear safety commissions in Japan confirmed there is a meltdown taking place right now. How serious it is will depend on how firm the structure still is that’s containing the aria. Fuel rods are melting. This means there could be a huge mass of molten nuclear mess dumping into the water and then venting steam of highly radioactive material. Venting has been shut down at present in a hope to thwart the travel of radioactive material.

Got Culture? Discover Fermentation

fermentationRemember when I told you about how great sprouts are nutritionally?  A seed can increase its nutritional content by 500-600% just with sprouting. Just a little water and 48-60 hours of patience, and you’ve got amazing, live, fresh nutrition!  Well, the fermentation of foods is a very similar science. You can take a wonderfully nutritious food such as fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and whole dairy products and compound their nutritional value through fermentation AND do so in such a way that the body just gobbles up those nutrients.  Obviously, if we can’t absorb the nutrients, then they don’t do our bodies much good.


Credit Card Crusade

CreditFor the record, I’m quite certain that this article will be a bit controversial.  And to be honest, I’m a bit saddened to know it. However, I remind myself that such is the case because the people I care about—such as yourself—have long been taught several counterfeit standards when it comes to money, debt, paying interest and being truly prepared. So, if you get a bit grumpy with me for making you squirm a bit in this article, I promise you that I will totally forgive you and even empathize with your position because I’ve certainly been in that same place.


Grain: How Much and How to Cook


grainLast weekend I wanted to create a recipe in which I could successfully use wheat pasta as a grain in our diet. My husband tends to be just as picky as any of the kids I know when it comes to eating “healthy foods” so when he declared the culinary creation one of his favorite top 10, I was thrilled and relieved.  Relieved because it meant that I wasn’t going to have to eat the leftovers single-handedly, and thrilled because it was an easy one for me to make.  I’ll be sure to share the recipe with you down below. Before I do that though, I wanted to clear up some of the confusion that folks have about how much wheat they should store and what they should be able to do with it. So here goes.