Saturday Morning Breakfast

[caption id="attachment_4662" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="What's for breakfast?"]Breakfast[/caption]

by Kellene

While growing up, it was always a special surprise if we got to have something other than oatmeal or cold cereal for breakfast. Saturday was our best chance to get something delicious and homemade from the kitchen. Every once in a while my single mother of 5 would surprise us with a special homemade breakfast dish that we would gobble up before the first episode of Abbott and Costello was over. (Yes, I actually quickly did my chores every Saturday so that I could watch that show as well as The Eastside Kids.) Even better, my little sister would be undaunted in the kitchen and somehow conquer a great recipe too. Somehow it’s been my little sister (“Sissy”) who’s dramatically influenced and improved my cooking over the years. I’ve never seen

See? Told you that you can get your food storage for free!

[caption id="attachment_2173" align="alignright" width="138" caption="Morning Moos Chocolate Milk"]Morning Moos Chocolate Milk is delicious! Make sure you qualify to win![/caption]

Every two week, Preparedness Pro will be giving away one of my favorite food storage items such as freeze-dried strawberries, Morning Moo’s chocolate milk, Spiff-E-Whip, etc.

To enter to win, you simply need to comment on our articles—any one of our articles during the drawing time.