As I’ve been venturing out a bit more each year in the area of gardening, I find I am surrounded by well-meaning, encouraging friends. I’ve heard more unusual remedies for a great garden over the last several years than I ever thought possible. Who knew that so many people had such diverse opinions about gardening? But when I began mulling over some of this well-meaning advice, I decided the best thing to do is what I always do…research. As a result, I discovered that when it comes to all of these ways to get more out of your garden with the fewest problems, there are all kinds of myths out there. How they got started, I don’t really know. But I found it interesting that I found a kernel of truth in nearly every bit of advice I was given. The problem, though is that much of the advice comes at the cost of unnecessary expense, physical exertion, and perhaps even a risk of ruining a perfectly good garden.