Water Filtration Facts and Fiction–Part I of II

Having an abundance of water available for future challenges is meaningless without having reliable methods of water filtration for  any of the water you’d use; as such I felt that it was important to research the topic of water filtration thoroughly and present my water filtrationfindings to you here. What I thought would be a standard week-long project turned into many months of work as I discovered that the water filtration industry is wrought with tricks, deception, and ignorance. Unfortunately, as a result of actual interviews with industry executives, I felt that in some instances the water filtration manufacturers actually prey on the fact that consumers aren’t educated in the science and the expression of that science in order to sell their products.

Why Does Misinformation Exist?

I realize that for many persons it’s simply impossible to believe that we are subjected to a litany of misinformed articles in the mainstream media each day, courtesy of our government, but not wanting such to be the case doesn’t get rid of it.  If a mental will was enough, I’d be 3 inches taller, 100 pounds lighter and still able to indulge in my favorite foods without consequences.  But the fact of the matter is that we ARE constantly fed misinformation through the mainstream media, as well as some more strategic occurrences, on a regular basis.  The appropriate question is WHY?

Time Travel With Coupons

by Kellene

Today I’m going to share with you one of most powerful financial aspects of using coupons AND I’m also going to share with you a couponing tip that will make anyone who’s using coupons, ecstatic!

A couple of weeks ago I taught the first ever live broadcast of my Coupon Training Boot Camp (also known as “Enough and to Spare”).  We received great feedback from the attendees—some of who were even experienced couponers that simply got recharged. Frankly, I even got recharged as I was teaching one of the most powerful financial benefits of using coupons.  For those of you who are interested, you can now purchase my extended in-home program of Enough and to Spare)