Would You Like More In-Depth Training on Important Topics?

The Preparedness Pro has a lengthy career of teaching teethy topics in a manner that is simple to understand and apply to a person’s life.  But there are many important topics just can’t be dealt with in the confines of a blog.  As such, Kellene offers many webinar based and face-to-face classes to help you get down to the nitty gritty of complex topics. So be sure to check back here often to see which classes are being offered for your betterment.  You’ll find Kellene to be uniquely knowledgeable and willing to share her information generously both in verbal and written form on many of these events. You’ll also find her particularly skilled in topics of health and medical independence as well as the pursuit of self-employment so that you can truly enjoy a self-sufficient life. So join us and listen and learn as The Preparedness Pro addresses current issues, challenges your comfort zone, and continues to educate in a panic-free fashion. You’ll always enjoy great tips from her, and a willingness to truly dig deep on necessary topics, but you’ll also benefit from periodic guests to help bring more expertise to the topic at hand.

Date: Nov. 6, 2014 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Mountain Time, Taught LIVE by Kellene, The Preparedness Pro
Event Title: What You Don’t Know About Nutrition that’s KILLING You! (A Segment of the “Healthy and Well Ever After” Series)



Kristine · February 10, 2010 at 10:00 pm

Can’t wait for these new, revised webinars.
I’m so excited….Keep them coming!

Kristine · February 10, 2010 at 10:00 pm

Can’t wait for these new, revised webinars.
I’m so excited….Keep them coming!

Karen · February 24, 2010 at 5:10 am

Where are you located? Are these times for the webinars pacific mountian time? Do I need to adjust an hour for being in California?
Thanks, love your stuff!!!!!!

    Kellene · February 24, 2010 at 5:19 am

    Yes, all classes are presented in Mountain Time. So that would make California an hour earlier. Look forward to having you on the webinars!

Karen · February 24, 2010 at 5:10 am

Where are you located? Are these times for the webinars pacific mountian time? Do I need to adjust an hour for being in California?
Thanks, love your stuff!!!!!!

    Kellene · February 24, 2010 at 5:19 am

    Yes, all classes are presented in Mountain Time. So that would make California an hour earlier. Look forward to having you on the webinars!

Disaster Darrell · November 15, 2011 at 2:30 am

I just now happened upon this Web site, and what a refreshing approach to the subject of preparedness! From the perspective of one who has been in the Disaster Management field for over twenty five years, Kellene’s Web site is one of the few that avoids the ‘snake-eater’ and ‘doomsday’ approaches, in favor of providing common sense advice.

We have indeed entered into a new era of yet-to-be experienced threats to our nation’s infrastructure. One only need listen to the televised congressional hearings, (or read on-line Congressional reports) to appreciate that cyber, EMP, further terrorist attacks, and certain solar phenomena are very real threats to our nation. While preparing for their eventuality need not be all-consuming, I offer that it is incumbent upon each of our citizens to become a stakeholder in his/her own survival.

In addition to Kellene’s recommended reading of William Forstchen’s,’One Second After’ sometime back, one of my own favorite written works on the subject of prepareness is Erwin Redlener’s ‘Americans at Risk’, endorsed by U. S. President William Clinton and U. S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell. Both of these excellent works put the fragility of our nation’s infrastructure in true perspective, thus provide a solid foundation for developing individual preparedness plans.

    Kellene · November 15, 2011 at 6:01 am

    Interesting. Did you know that the predominant political affilation among “preppers” is Republican? I’m going to have to take a look at the book you recommended. I am a big fan though of Stephen Flynn’s book, “The Edge of Disaster”. He clearly illustrates with a great deal of research and studies all of the vulnerabilities that we have from an infrastructure stand point.

Disaster Darrell · November 15, 2011 at 2:30 am

I just now happened upon this Web site, and what a refreshing approach to the subject of preparedness! From the perspective of one who has been in the Disaster Management field for over twenty five years, Kellene’s Web site is one of the few that avoids the ‘snake-eater’ and ‘doomsday’ approaches, in favor of providing common sense advice.

We have indeed entered into a new era of yet-to-be experienced threats to our nation’s infrastructure. One only need listen to the televised congressional hearings, (or read on-line Congressional reports) to appreciate that cyber, EMP, further terrorist attacks, and certain solar phenomena are very real threats to our nation. While preparing for their eventuality need not be all-consuming, I offer that it is incumbent upon each of our citizens to become a stakeholder in his/her own survival.

In addition to Kellene’s recommended reading of William Forstchen’s,’One Second After’ sometime back, one of my own favorite written works on the subject of prepareness is Erwin Redlener’s ‘Americans at Risk’, endorsed by U. S. President William Clinton and U. S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell. Both of these excellent works put the fragility of our nation’s infrastructure in true perspective, thus provide a solid foundation for developing individual preparedness plans.

    Kellene · November 15, 2011 at 6:01 am

    Interesting. Did you know that the predominant political affilation among “preppers” is Republican? I’m going to have to take a look at the book you recommended. I am a big fan though of Stephen Flynn’s book, “The Edge of Disaster”. He clearly illustrates with a great deal of research and studies all of the vulnerabilities that we have from an infrastructure stand point.

feather · April 13, 2012 at 4:24 am

I would like to know where you got the defense “stick” you showed in the Nat Geo sequence in the gym. I am a not so elderly (57)year old woman who cannot get around well, due to damage caused from an auto accident. So I quickly would be a “target” besides my weapons, I would love to make myself much more unappealing of a traget by knowing how to use something like you showed. I might be disadvantaged by my current physical condition, but Im no pushover, so am looking for ways to protect myself & this seems a very good alternative I could always have handy. Kellene, I thank you for all that you do!

feather · April 13, 2012 at 4:24 am

I would like to know where you got the defense “stick” you showed in the Nat Geo sequence in the gym. I am a not so elderly (57)year old woman who cannot get around well, due to damage caused from an auto accident. So I quickly would be a “target” besides my weapons, I would love to make myself much more unappealing of a traget by knowing how to use something like you showed. I might be disadvantaged by my current physical condition, but Im no pushover, so am looking for ways to protect myself & this seems a very good alternative I could always have handy. Kellene, I thank you for all that you do!

Dena · April 25, 2013 at 5:47 am

Where can you see your webinars?

    Kellene Bishop · April 25, 2013 at 5:46 pm

    Under the PrepPro classes tab

Dena · April 25, 2013 at 5:47 am

Where can you see your webinars?

    Kellene Bishop · April 25, 2013 at 5:46 pm

    Under the PrepPro classes tab