Dabbled, Now Committed to Self-Reliance

I have dabbled in prepping for a long time but have only recently put forth a serious effort to become truly self-reliant.

Several years ago while I was in graduate school I found myself unable to work as much as I had planned and thus without much money.  It was the first time that I realized how wonderful self-reliance is.  I did not have to apply to any government program; I did not get food stamps or any other assistance.  I just walked downstairs, got a #10 can of powdered milk and a box of cereal and ate breakfast (and many other meals).

Several years after that experience, I decided to really start preparing myself for adverse life conditions.  I was talking to my mom and sisters about my previous experience in an attempt to encourage them to join me in my self-reliance efforts. They were shocked.  They had no idea that I was poor enough to be unable to purchase food.  I talk to my mom at least twice a day. Think about that, just a can of milk, some cereal and a couple of other basics made me self-reliant enough that she had no idea that I was in serious financial straits.

Now that I am working toward more self-reliance I feel more and more empowered.  I have, through personal experience, realized that even small efforts can make a big difference.  I also know that though a lot of people think that prepping is about a total societal breakdown, it isn't.  It is just as much about being ready for unexpected house guests as massive earthquakes; prepping is about the whole spectrum and is not just for one small group of hard core folks, it is for everyone that wants peace of mind today and for all of the tomorrows to come.


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