Only Four Days Left for Killer Deal on Freeze-Dried Fruit!
Every month Five Star Preparedness tries to provide a special group buy so that folks can have access to wholesale pricing without having to make the sizable financial commitment to one particular manufacturer that would be required to do so. In light of the rumblings of financial turmoil, Five Star set out to create a really great deal so that people could spend their money as efficiently as possible. This month (August) they promoted a great freeze-dried fruit buy, containing produce that is not commonly available in the world of freeze-dry. By personally negotiating this purchase by the pallet, Five Star was able to make the most of the margins which typically exist between wholesale and retail. In fact, what they’ve come up with is below the wholesale prices that I can find on #10 cans of product which I have found to be inferior in some cases and certainly in smaller quantities for more bucks out of your pocket.