21 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Clothing & Shelter Preparedness
Major snowstorms blanket the Eastern coast Over the last two days I’ve heard from friends and readers recount their stories of the last few days of confronting the snow storm in the east.  Two of my friends attended a Christmas party at an upscale townhome in Annapolis, Maryland.  They drove their SUV and felt that all would be well in spite of the windy snow storm. When the party was over and the guests were leaving, it was quickly apparent that no guests were leaving—not even the driver of...
19 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Food Preparedness
by Kellene I hope that you all are ready for this. Don't panic. Get organized. Make an accounting of what you really have. And fill in your gaps. But please stop delaying it. 2010 Food Shortage Crisis Means Financial Armageddon
18 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Mental Preparedness
Don’t you hate it in the movies when you have some intense scene and the person who is told to “keep quiet” or to “stay put” always disobeys that counsel and ends up getting the hero or heroine nearly killed?  I think I hate it so much because it’s so accurate in its portrayal of real life. Recently our area had a shocking murder of a professor of Brigham Young University. Thieves meticulously broke into his home, slit his throat, and stole his guns that were specifically in his safe.  They...
17 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Food Preparedness
Does your food storage look like this? I do hate food storage. I really do. In fact you’ll rarely hear me use those two words together in my home. However, that doesn't mean that you won't find fabulous foods that have a long shelf-life...bear with me here while I share the difference. Why I Hate Food Storage Food storage is 50 pound bags of dusty, weevil-infested wheat, stale rice, and rock hard beans that I would never eat in a million years. Food storage is exploding cans of tomatoes,...
16 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Food Preparedness
When it comes to making your own cheese from powdered milk, I decided to start off easy today and address cottage cheese making specifically. Perhaps you’re thinking that cottage cheese is simply a luxury that you’ll do without in a survival scenario. Ok. That’s fine if you’d prefer not to indulge in it. But I use it strategically in my home. Cottage Cheese in Recipes Using cottage cheese in dishes makes the dishes taste as if they are full of fat and thus very satisfying—without any of the “...
14 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Communication Preparedness
Author’s Note: Most of this content was posted earlier this year.  However, news as of late has caused us to tweak the story and repost it. As I’ve shared with you previously, I’m not one who is keen on the phrase “Emergency Preparedness.” I believe in preparedness, pure and simple, and thus being self-reliant. Whether it be today or in the future as the result of some social breakdown, I feel that it’s important to understand what organized evil exists out there so that you can make an...
11 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Communication Preparedness
Hello all who have a desire to be prepared. I decided to take the day off from writing so that I can play Mrs. Claus. Ted Blanchard has generously offered his two cents on preparedness as a community for you all. While it may be a lengthier read than articles past, I picked up a few "Oh yeah, I've got to remember that" nuggets. Not everything he states is quite how I would address it, but I figure I'd better give you a brief break from the Voice of The Preparedness Pro. Even the voices you love...
10 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Physical Preparedness
Perhaps I’m ranting here, but I consider the PROTECTION of our water sources one of the most key services that our tax dollars pay for. To discover that our government is miserably failing in this aspect twenty percent of the time is simply unacceptable on any level of conscience. We MUST have potable water in order to survive and thrive. Is it not bad enough that our government permits the PURPOSEFUL addition of carcinogens and toxins in our water (such as fluoride) but now we have to add to...
09 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Financial Preparedness
In Revelations chapter 13 verses 16 and 17 it says: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” While there has been much speculation as to whether or not this prophecy of the last days has already come to pass with the use of UPC codes, I believe all prophecies will be fulfilled quite...
08 Dec 2009 by
Filed in Mental Preparedness
Author’s Note: Before reading this article, I want to be perfectly clear that my objective is not to “freak you out.” Mental Preparedness comes more readily when we allow ourselves to mentally picture scenarios and then allow our brain to strategically work on solving the anticipated problems. I hope this article does that for you today. There’s no such thing as an opportune time for a trial, right? As such, it’s a bit naïve of us to think that if an EMP strike does hit, it will conveniently...


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