28 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Preparedness
by Kellene Water storage--do you have enough? As you know, I’ve strongly recommended in the past that you store at least one gallon of water per person, per day in order to be prepared for unforeseen events. However, what if you don’t have the luxury of benefiting from that which you have stored in your home?  Well, here are a few “plan B” options for you. 1)      Dry Creek Bed:  If you see a dry creek bed, you’re most likely in luck.  Follow the creek bed down-slope until you come to a bend...
26 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Food Preparedness
by Kellene So, what do you do when you feel like your food supply isn’t nutritional enough, too expensive, too tenable, and at risk of being in short supply? You take matters into your own hands. To me, this is a large reason why I make sure I have a long-lasting amount of food in my pantry at all times. My mind is more aware of these kinds of imminent interruptions and inconveniences to my food acquisition than it is with the possibility of a catastrophic earthquake, which is why I took so...
25 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Food Preparedness
by Kellene In the last two segments in this series on Food, I’ve attempted to address our vulnerable reliance on our world’s food supply. When there is a shortage, we pay for it dearly. When a great deal of products are reliant upon one particular crop, we give away much of our freedom as well.  When the core of our habits for feeding and enjoying are based on a particular product, we are also subjected to the price demands which come with such dependence.  I’m sure that many of you remember...
22 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Medical Preparedness
  by Kellene Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin C Well, folks. I guess I get to be today's object lesson in taking care of yourself with what's on the shelf, no transportation, and no medical assistance. I managed to get sick somehow, in spite of being extra mindful of germs and such. (Although I have had this same lady coming to all of my classes and she hacks a lung all during the class! Ugh) Anyway, no article for you today. I'll be using my planned "quarantine care" of 1,000 mg....
21 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Food Preparedness
by Kellene You might be surprised to learn what is made from corn. Did you know that batteries, diapers, cheese, peanut butter, Coco-cola, Motrin, vanilla extract, baking powder, white vinegar, saccharin, Sweet and Low, charcoal, a slew of household cleaners, drinking alcohol, condiments, toothpaste, dental floss, toilet paper, iodide salt, finger paint, crayons,  and margarine all have corn products in them? This list is in addition to the obvious corn products that you are already no doubt...
19 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Clothing & Shelter Preparedness
by Kellene Looting is rampant despite relief sent to Haiti I’m taking a pause from the Food Series to address what I feel is a timely and important issue in Haiti. The biggest disaster to hit Haiti is unfortunately not the earthquake, rather it’s how the Haitian people are responding to the circumstances brought on by the earthquake. I watch in amazement as events more deadly than the earth’s rumblings brutally strangle a country that is already on its knees economically and socially. I’m...
18 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Food Preparedness
Will your pantry shelves mirror the store shelves in an emergency or food shortage? There is a serious food supply emergency going on right now. We don’t have to wait any longer folks. In fact, I would say we are at Level Orange with very little more required to push us to Level Red.  No. I’m not spewing fear and chaos. I’m trying to share information with you laid out in a rational, factual manner so that you can be aware and to take measures to insure that you are affected by this food...
15 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Food Preparedness
What's for breakfast? by Kellene While growing up, it was always a special surprise if we got to have something other than oatmeal or cold cereal for breakfast. Saturday was our best chance to get something delicious and homemade from the kitchen. Every once in a while my single mother of 5 would surprise us with a special homemade breakfast dish that we would gobble up before the first episode of Abbott and Costello was over. (Yes, I actually quickly did my chores every Saturday so that I...
14 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Clothing & Shelter Preparedness
by Kellene Yup. You read that right. I hate emergency preparedness. I loathe the use of the phrase “emergency preparedness.”  I suspect that some psychotic Anarchist came up with the phrase in an attempt to capitalize and commercialize fear.  The word emergency is intended to quicken the heart beat, make the breathing more shallow, make one feel out of control and vulnerable and replace confidence and competence with debilitating anxiety. The very use of the word “emergency” sucks all of the...
13 Jan 2010 by
Filed in Medical Preparedness
by Kellene Over 46 million American adults are presently caring for an elderly relative or friend Over 46 million American adults are presently caring for an elderly relative or friend.  The majority of these instances actually involve the elderly living in their home with them, while the rest represent adults taking care of “Aunt Ruthie” in her own residence.  In the event of a long-term survival scenario, the elderly are typically the most vulnerable, even with all of the advances in...


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