It's a Love Affair--Short and Sweet

At age 55 I have a new love in my life, it is prepping. My husband of 36 years is in love with it too, so there is no jealousy on either side. We started a home group, we call ourselves "THE GLORY DAY PREPPERS." We all have the same goal in mind, and that is to "open minded" and "teachable" to be prepared for any disaster. Prepping with my husband will be a long term relationship, so in this case 3 is not a crowd, and the more in this relationship, the better it is...♥♥♥



How to VOTE for the best Preppers Outreach Contest Entries:


If you think this entry merits one of your 5 allotted votes, then post a comment below. Do NOT post a comment if you do not want it to count towards one of your 5 allotted votes. If you want to award an entry more than one vote, you’ll need to leave a comment for each vote you want to cast.


© 2019 Of COURSE this post is Copyright Protected by Preparedness Pro. All Rights Reserved. NO portion of this article may be reposted, printed, copied, disbursed, etc. without first receiving written permission by the author. This content may be printed for personal use only. (Then again, laws are only as good as the people who keep them.) Preparedness Pro will pursue all violations of these rights just as vigorously as she does any of her other freedoms, liberties, and protections.


This is great opportunity for you!

Yes it is nice to know there is options for such a high raise in food prices.

God Bless you and your works!

Keep the faith!

I admire your tenacity!

Keep on preppin!

I love your idea and admire what you are doing!

We share the same loves . . . Jesus and prepping!

I hope that you win!!!!!

God bless!!!!

THE GLORY DAY PREPPERS that is a great name!!!!

I hope you win the hole thing!!!!!!

Hang in there, Mrs.'re almost there!! :) I am proud of you!!

Hopefully this contest will make those who are not aware of what "prepping" actually means, mindful of how important this is!! Especially in "these days and times". Thank you for all your work and dedication!

Wow connie this such a good idea.

Keep up the good work .is a great idea.

You are good to help others.

Is incredible u can keep food that long.

Thank you connie for the love you give others

Connie is good what you are doing

Why are you doing this? Is it fun?

Keep up the good work

How long can u do this

Good job connie you are good at this

Good work coonie

Is a exelent idea.

Go for it connie

Is a good way to keep food for the bad times.

Praise God for this.

My sister in sister in Christ. A servant and a giver. Love you

Can't think of a more deserving person to win this prize to share with many!

Need you to help me with my prep skills Connie! Good luck.

Good luck and God bless sis!

Go get em Connie!


good luck on you goal

God is with you

go get them

keep smileing and good luck



Definitely food for thought!

books are a way to see what's out there and in time they all may be lostt if the net goes down so have a few books so you will have a path to go on i have a lot of mother earth news there good to have keep on going down the right path


Wonderful work!

Hope this helps you back up the ladder!

Busy, busy, busy!

Rock 'em Connie!

way to go helpin' the flathead connie.

great job connie! keep it up!

we all love to eat! yippee!

keep it going girl

doing a good work my friend!


Cannin' Connie!

4th vote for you!

And here is my last vote for a most deserving participant!

Good Luck Connie :)

Keep it up!

Great idea!

Strong Passion!

God Bless!

Go Connie Go

Hope this moves you up

God Bless you 2

Good Luck


Good luck.

Gain some positions.

Go team.

First place here you come.


great idea

wishing you success...

we have a mutual sister-in-law, Katie, and I know you will do an awesome job with this!

thank you

Go Connie GO!

You're the best, the B E S T best!

Good Luck!

Go get em

Rock N Roll

An ounce of prep is worth a pound of cure!

As the bad guy in Lion King says "Be Prepared!"

Important note: Never eat yellow snow!

The future is not yet written, and the past can not be altered. Our real power lies in the present!

May you win and be able to bless all those you desire to bless with your buckets!!



Looks like a good plan

Hope you win

Hope you never need to use your skills

I had not heard of this contest before

Only a few days to go. God Luck

Good Luck!

Hope you win!

You're a real Preppy! Go Connie Go!

Good luck on this contest!

Vote #5

Best of luck!

Connie - so proud of you!

Way to go!

You are an inspiration to us all!

Thank you!

Thoughts and prayers coming your way!

Good luck!

It's smart!

Good luck!

Ihope you guys win, you deserve it

More folks should
Be this prepared!

You need to give workshops on prepping:)

What an amazing organization! Way to go!

Thanks for caring for this cause!

Praying that you get the win!

Glory day preppers all the way!!

Glad you guys found a passion for prepping.

yeah, go girl.

preppedly prep!

love to prep.

prep that love.

love to prep. Life in MT is so exciting I can hardly stand it!

Prep gives me pep.

Much good luck, Connie!

Glad to help.

For a good cause.

Hope you win, girl!

I'd give you 100 votes, if I had 'em.

Hey, we also are enjoying learnign more about this.

Looking forward to learning more, would love any info you have.

Do you know much about herbs and growing them, I am trying to learn more.

Hope you win this!!

Good luck!! We should get together and talk about this stuff.!!

Good luck

Good luck, Connie!

I hope you win!

Very well done.

Does this mean I am invited for dinner? ;)

Let me know how this turns out.

Keep up the good work!

Hope you win!

God bless you & your endeavors.

Be encouraged!

Keep up the hard work & be successful.

like your energy keep up the good work

lets win this and good luck

keep it going and teach good things

you can do it keep me informed

strive for what you believe in


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