freeze-dried foods

13 Sep 2013 by filed in Food Preparedness
It's been a while since I've shared some quick tips on video. I'm finally getting around to rendering and posting some of what I recorded earlier this year. So this week I wanted to just post a couple of quick videos that will help you in your prepping efforts. One is just a simple strategy for easier access and inventory of your freeze-dried items AND WHY to use freeze-dried foods--they aren't anywhere NEAR as expensvie as you think and their a big time saver. The other video is simply...
02 Nov 2011 by filed in Food Preparedness
Let’s talk about this whole “gourmet food storage” phrase that I keep seeing all over the place. I’m really having a hard time accepting that anyone is falling for the concept of “gourmet food storage.”  Doesn’t anyone else see the oxymoron in calling something "gourmet food storage?"  Has someone figured out a way to freeze-dry roasted asparagus with a rum pear spinach salad served alongside roasted pork in a pear butter barbeque sauce? What exactly is it that qualifies a freeze-dried or...
01 Jun 2011 by filed in Food Preparedness
Well, I’m back from playing around and taking some time off, so your update is coming on a Wednesday. :-) Hey, better late than never I suppose. Wow. Can you believe it's June already? The weather sure isn't manifesting that. We've got record levels of rain, snow, and even low temperatures here in the West. Record dry weather back east. And record number of tornadoes and devastation as a result of said tornadoes.  Think Someone is trying to tell us something? Wow. What a way to start off the...
06 May 2011 by filed in Food Preparedness
 “Food. It’s what’s for dinner.” “Home is Where My Food Storage is.” “Hunger is the best sauce.” Yup, it’s time for us to address the Principle of Preparedness that so many think of first and foremost—food. Keep in mind, though that it is indeed the 8th Principle of Preparedness in order of prioritization. All of the other Principles I’ve addressed leading up to this one will indeed demand positions of greater prominence before you get to this one. As I always say, I strongly doubt that a...
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