12 Apr 2012 by
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I became interested in preparedness in 2002. At that time, I would store a little food or medical supplies, only for it to be used up a few weeks later because we needed it. It never really crossed my mind that true preparedness is more than just tangible items like food, water, shelter, and medical supplies. Not until the fall of 2010 did I realize we need more than those items to survive. On September 16th, 2010, I gave birth to a stillborn baby boy. The time after his birth was difficult,...
12 Apr 2012 by
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"To Prep or Not to Prep . . . That is the Question." My sincerest apologies to Shakespeare for mangling his quote.  I do hope he isn’t spinning in his grave! My aim in using this title is to encourage non-preppers to think about how our lives are constantly changing and not necessarily for the better.  Then, hopefully, they will actually do even one or two small things for themselves.  No one can be totally prepared for any and everything.  However, having some extra food and water, a hand...
12 Apr 2012 by
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Japan Tsunami. Hurricane Katrina. Iceland Volcano. Minnesota Earthquake. Chernobyl. Gulf Oil Spill. Leak at Prairie Island MN Nuclear Plant. Sure the Minnesota ones aren't in the same league as the more well known world wide ones, but the fact that I can list them at all, is scary. Tornado's in Minnesota? You betcha, then you can see me doing my best Dorothy impersonation “Auntie Em! Auntie Em!” and I don't even have an aunt Em. But not earthquakes. Earthquakes were outside my realm of...
12 Apr 2012 by
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Life has made me a Prepper. Many years ago I was raising 5 children with no child support. I worked 2 jobs but it was never enough money to support us. At one time we were homeless. We lived at a state park in a tent with Vienna sausage being the meal of the day. I watched my children be hungry. I took a vow that they would never be hungry again.  After I got on my feet I began collecting things, a hurricane lamp here a stove there and canned goods. I never buy one item of food, I would buy...
12 Apr 2012 by
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My husband and I worked hard several years ago to make sure that we had a year's supply of food and household products to take care of ourselves. And there are many times we have relied on those items to help us when work was thin or expenses were particularly high some months. However, we also decided to practice what it would be like to completely live off our food storage for an extended period of time. It was also an exercise to make sure we were using what we were storing and rotating...
12 Apr 2012 by
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Yeah I said it and it may be gratuitous use of the word or it may be real.  Read on to find out. From a very young age there are so many things that we prepare for in life.  We prepare for our first day of school by shopping for “school clothes” and supplies.  We prepare for exams by studying information so that when tested the knowledge can be recalled.  We prepare for dates by putting on our best clothes and putting our best foot forward.  We prepare for job interviews.  We prepare for buying...
12 Apr 2012 by
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I don't know how hard it was for Joseph to come up with a plan to store grain for 7 years....did he know anything about it when he started?  How much grain would that be?  Where do you store it all?  How do you keep it from molding and going bad?  How do you keep four legged predators out of it? He had to start somewhere though, consult anyone who could counsel him on it, come up with a plan...and then just get busy doing it!!  There was probably some trial and error...but he did it.  Many...
12 Apr 2012 by
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Okay, you guys have made me feel guilty. I had no intention of writing this but feel since I have read your stories and enjoyed them so much that I should contribute something back.  I hope my prepping journey is helpful to someone, it all began a while back and it started with Hollywood. My uneasiness started with a movie most people would remember called "The Matrix." I have to say, that movie scared the heck out of me, still today I consider it the scariest movie I have ever seen. It...
11 Apr 2012 by
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A few years ago I just got a feeling....a feeling that something is coming.  I talked about it with my husband, who, of course, thought I was crazy....at first.  But he supported my effort and we starting collecting items and becoming more organized with the emergency items we already had.  Then about a year ago I received an email from my step sister urging everyone get prepared.  That’s when I really started. It wasn’t just me....or this little feeling inside.  Others felt the same way I did...
11 Apr 2012 by
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All of our adult lives we insure ourselves. We pay for car insurance, home insurance, life, health, dental and vision insurance. We spend a lot of money on insurance, usually with very little return compared to what we spend on it. Why do we do this? To protect ourselves of course. To protect ourselves, our families and our way of life. Yet, when it comes to preparing for potential disaster or societal collapse, most people don’t. Most people do not feel the need to insure their own survival...


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