14 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
I have very strong memories of sitting in my grandparents kitchen as a boy, waiting. We waited a lot. It wasn't until I got older that I tried to figure out what we were doing all those hours... They owned an apartment in a typical melting pot neighborhood in Brooklyn with a mosaic of neighbors on the block. We'd sit there at the kitchen table and really sit. We sat in the shadows of late afternoon and watched the numbers on the old GE clock flip, one by one, minute by minute. I thought I'd...
13 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
Well, I waited until the last few days to see if my entry was even worth reading, but I must say all of us have a different reason for choosing to be ready for anything. When I go married back in the 70's I didn't know I was frugal.  I shopped the sales, it was all we could afford. Some weeks I got a great deal on eggs 25 cents a carton, I would get ten cartons, and didn't have to think about eggs until the next sale. Other weeks it was ground meat for 49 cents a pound; I would get ten pounds...
13 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
I’m a mom to 6 boys (ranging from 14 down to 20 months) and a baby girl on the way.  I am married to an awesome husband that takes great responsibility in taking care of us.  Together we work towards preparing physically and spiritually for today and the future.  God has blessed us with a big family which we are eternally grateful for, but of course with a big family comes big responsibility.  We feel it is important to be self reliant and able to take care of our children.   One way that has...
13 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
My first ancestor to step on the shores of the American Continent was Dr. James Woodson.  He arrived here in the 1600's approximately 1 year before the Mayflower.  He was instilled with the hope of religious freedom and property ownership.  His young wife was a Quaker and England had no hopes for land ownership but the New World was a promising future.  I can imagine how much preparation went into that voyage. Since then my family moved down the eastern seaboard landing in Virginia where they...
13 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
I have been married for almost seven years and before that my husband and I were in the Navy. I spent a lot of time out to sea so having a suitable food storage was not something that seemed practical to me. It’s only been in the last four years that we decided to get our act together and be prepared. I am a mother of nine. (Just recently though we have a new little boy who is five weeks old.) The amount of food that needs to be stored for that many people is massive. It is even much bigger...
13 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
"Listening, Working and Trusting" I don't know how hard it was for Joseph to come up with a plan to store grain for 7 years....did he know anything about it when he started?  How much grain would that be?  Where do you store it all?  How do you keep it from molding and going bad?  How do you keep four legged predators out of it? He had to start somewhere though, consult anyone who could counsel him on it, come up with a plan...and then just get busy doing it!!  There was probably some trial and...
13 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
My name is Jackie.  I am a wife, mother, outdoor lover.  I have 3 young children who just love to help me learn how to be ready for anything.  Prior to 2009 I thought I had life pretty figured out.  I had a few things on hand for emergencies.  I made sure when we went camping I was diligent to have stuff in case something unexpected were to happen.  I mean after all, I learned to be ready for anything when in September of 1997 I was in a small truck that crashed over a cliff and landed 86 feet...
12 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
I have always been of the prepping mindset, but recently with events happening in the world, I feel an urgency to get my house in order. We don't have a lot of space in our house (with 5 kids) so we started putting our food storage under our house. We are finally getting to where I don't feel so helpless if something were to happen.   I have learned to can chicken, beef, peaches, pear sauce, and applesauce to name a few. I feel so prepared to know that I have the equipment to can my own food...
12 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
Preparedness started slowly with me. Actually, it more or less crept up on me. Here is my story. I used to be one of those individuals that only bought what they needed for the next week or so from the store. (gasp!) Perhaps an extra box or two of cereal or tuna if it was on sale,  that was the extent of it. So I ended up buying most of my supplies and groceries at full price. I shudder now when I think of it! About 8 years ago I started "getting serious" about gardening. To me that meant...
12 Apr 2012 by
Filed in
I had the opportunity to live in the south for 10 wonderful years.  I love the southern people, and the life style.  Six of those 10 years were in Florida.  After we had lived there a year, we experienced 4 hurricanes in one season.  Each storm brought a trip to Wal-Mart and the purchase of some supplies that we might need during the storm.  We spent that season watching the weather channel to see where each storm would come on land.  By the last storm we were quite exhausted with storm fatigue...


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