Prepper Outreach Contest

16 Apr 2012 by filed in
When I was growing up, I was raised by two grandmother's. One a farmer's wife who grew up thru the depression;  farming didn't make a lot of money but it did make food. The other grandmother escaped Nazi Germany before no one was allowed to leave. Both were very frugal and raised vegetables and grew orchards, raised chickens, hogs, cattle. They canned, made sausages, soap, sewed all themselves to save money and keep extra in case another war or depression came. Being young, I didn't think much...
16 Apr 2012 by filed in
My "prepper syndrome" started a long time ago when I was a little girl. I can remember my mother canning and canning and canning...and she said was for "just in case something happens" . I never asked or understood what that meant but it stuck in the back of my head. My three brothers and I always had a specific job to do to help her and then all of us carried those precious jars to the basement for storage. This past Christmas my mother bought us another freezer because the one we had was...
16 Apr 2012 by filed in
Hiya! My name is Sandy, and I don’t have a bunker full of foodstuffs or the super-cool armory of doom. What I do have is freckles. *smile*   One day, as I was sitting at my desk in my nice little office, clitty clacking away at the computer, I realized I didn't have a single outdoor hobby. And I wanted to change that, just to put a little color in my otherwise nerdy-pale skin. And because I look cute in freckles!   A conversation with our building custodian led to him becoming my fishing mentor...
16 Apr 2012 by filed in
  Yes, you can be a prepper too! You probably already have some of the items you need right in you     own home. Look around and see what items you already have that will help you to be more self-reliant. Do you have a bbq pit, camping gear, sleeping bags, backpacks, etc? Do you have an area to grow a small garden? A patio or a small section of your backyard. Look around and see what areas of your home you can turn into a food storage area. An extra closet, room, basement, garage or any area to...
15 Apr 2012 by filed in
Having been born and raised in the Deep South (Montgomery, Al to be exact) and not from an independently wealthy family, it turns out I have been a prepper all of my life without realizing it.  I cannot remember a time in which my parents, grandparents or even great grandparents did not grow and preserve most all of their own food, save everything under the sun for “just in case”, seemingly always have a backup for the backup plan, and be able to weather any storm (natural or otherwise). ...
15 Apr 2012 by filed in
 Growing up I was raised to have a self-reliant and "Can Do" attitude. But I did not truly understand or comprehend what preparedness was and what it meant to me until the first years of my marriage. In fact there was a specific incident that cemented the prepper lifestyle for me. It was in the winter of 1996 and my husband and I were living in a townhouse in the city limits of our small town in western Washington.  Our oldest child was only two and a half years old. A very bad freezing rain...
15 Apr 2012 by filed in
75% of all dr. visits are stress related.  According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, if we do not secure  basic needs such as security of body,  employment, resources, the family, healthy, property, food,  and water our bodies will respond with a feeling of anxiousness and tenseness, with no motivation to obtain our higher needs of love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.  Being prepared secures those basic needs and relieves our bodies of stress, and opens the way to obtain our other...
14 Apr 2012 by filed in
Here the 20 year old son of a passionate prepper shares his thoughts on whether or not the concept of prepping is crazy and what he believes members of society should be on the look-out for. If you ever wondered what your kids say about your prepping when you're not around, this is likely to be the semblance of an indicator. *grin* K.K. WA How to VOTE for the best Preppers Outreach Contest Entries: If you think this entry merits one of your 5 allotted votes, then post a comment below. Do NOT...
14 Apr 2012 by filed in
  When friends or family start looking at us strange - we just say "It's  a Hobby." It's fun to try some of the "old fashioned" ways of  preserving food.  It gives my husband and I something to do together  other than watching TV. It's amazing how many people will accept this reason rahter (sic) than the one where peace of mind is at the forefront.   Besides, it's true, we enjoy prepping together!   S & D B. AZ How to VOTE for the best Preppers Outreach Contest Entries: If you think this...
14 Apr 2012 by filed in
I started prepping about  2 years ago when my husband decided at the age of 68 that he would work 2 more years and then call it quits.  I realized I needed to PREPARE for a change in our lifestyle.  I never really paid attention to the cost of food before since I really didn’t need to watch my pennies. WELL..................what a shock for me when I did start shopping for COST versus want.  I needed to make some pretty big adjustments.  It was the best thing that could have happened to me! ...


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