handful of seeds
26 Jun 2013 by filed in Food Preparedness
  The world is definitely getting crazy—even in our “free” nation of the U.S. The action we need to take as pursuers of self-sufficient lifestyles is to ask ourselves WHAT and HOW do we need to address this? The types of messages I’m receiving from readers increases, and the craziness of it still has the ability to surprise me occasionally. The message that I’m going to share with you today is one of those. As some back story on this, I received the following message from one of my long-time...
10 Jan 2013 by filed in Preparedness
  55 grain It seems to me like a lot of the men roaming the earth seem to possess an innate understanding about the various types of ammo to use for this and that, but a lot of my female friends and any gun novice tend to be more focused on handling everyday life...you know, like how to convert a quart into cups, which jeans make us look fat, pursuit of career and education, and how to whip up a mean dish of something or another.   So, forgive me, my more ammo-savvy readers, for taking time...
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