Lessons From Joseph

I don't know how hard it was for Joseph to come up with a plan to store grain for 7 years....did he know anything about it when he started?  How much grain would that be?  Where do you store it all?  How do you keep it from molding and going bad?  How do you keep four legged predators out of it?

He had to start somewhere though, consult anyone who could counsel him on it, come up with a plan...and then just get busy doing it!!  There was probably some trial and error...but he did it.  Many people lived to tell about it because he did.

We hear the daily warnings, nearly any information/education/counsel you can think of about prepping is readily available (and Kellene posts more nearly every day :), we must work diligently to prepare and educate our families, our friends and neighbors.  Pray for wisdom and trust that God will guide us in our decisions.

My can of elbow grease is open, my sleeves are rolled up and prepping is under way!!


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